Thank you for letting me test out your script!
>Fishing Script; Always starts at the bank and banks all even if you have a knife and a small fishing net in your inventory
^Then goes to "Picking Loot" wanders around for a few minutes and fails.
^^You have to pause the script and pick up the small fishing net and knife during the "Picking loot" state.
^Fishing then drops all fish excepts the maxed level fish, taking up tons of time to fill the last few slots of only maxed Tetras
+Please make it prep ALL FISH
>Fighting Script; no matter what monster you pick you it always attacks Flawed Golem
^Only attacks 1 Flawed Golem and fails, will not loot golem, will not attack another golem.
^^starting script goes to bank and banks all, takes foods, banks food, takes food, and runs to Flawed Golems
^I cannot find any way to make the script kill more than just a single Flawed Golem, I cannot get it to attack Mind Golems at all...
Thank you again for letting me test it!