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dubai last won the day on January 9

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  1. Best bet would be to contact jagex and provide as much info as you can, seems unlikely though without an email or some kind of proof of ownership (ip it was created on etc)
  2. Is there a benefit for using widgets directly like this on items etc vs item ID's?
  3. Were you botting on the mules at all?
  4. I would wait a week at minimum, not too sure on the VPN thing though, I think you'd want to be on the computer you use normally with a regular connection. Someone in your family could've hacked your account on the family computer for all they know. Goodluck!
  5. Only thing that sometimes works is "My account was hacked" but it does not always get your account unbanned.
  6. OSRS is working on removing the original java client and replacing it with an 'anti-cheat' client. If/when this hapeens, osbot will have a C++ client ready to go. There will hopefully be not many changes for scripters to ensure the java scripts work on the new client, fingers crossed
  7. Best of luck with the releases! What content will you be building?
  8. Gl with scripter What scripts are you thinking of writing?
  9. I patch it to runelite and jagex would think it's just runelite
  10. Damn that's incredibly unlucky... What script and what activity were you doing?
  11. I do it, hard to test the theory of whats safe or not though. You can't get banned for botting if you don't bot though I think?
  12. Congrats!!!! Both sctipers have been making flawless scripts for many years now. This is like comparing apple to android, they both are great it's just personal preference! I couldn't imagine choosing, just get both
  13. What kind of thread? Where? If you're waiting for mods it has been busy with most I assume on holidays etc
  14. Cybersecurity topics, to which I've been heavily invested in for many years now. I think once you find your niche and have enough insights to share, writing enough to create a book comes easily.
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