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Scripter II
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dubai last won the day on January 9

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  1. Re uploaded on MediaFire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/st6yqw9dy1p42o1/OakBurner.jar/file
  2. I've used it on a couple different pures and it worked well, just need to remember that the wilder slayer master doesn't consider combat level when assigning tasks, so you may get some high level ones (skip list helps with that though ) I'm just waiting until I get that sweet Scripter II badge before releasing this one
  3. Definitely a good idea, also for minigames were death is a possibility, good for long test runs
  4. It is actually really useful, let me know if you decide to work with the snippets, I ended up tweaking it further I might post what I ended up with later today
  5. Private scripts to automate your runescape needs. @mr_dubai on discord for requests.
  6. Beautiful, thanks legend
  7. I don't think there's ever been any experiments or studies into what decreases ban rates, it's all trial and error
  8. I can work on some private scripts with you , if you need. Have you had a good look at the SDN? https://osbot.org/mvc/sdn2/scripts
  9. @mr_dubai on discord, have you joined the OSBot discord server?
  10. On Windows I just use the windows screen capture tool (Windows + Shift + S)
  11. I've got a fair bit on at the moment, but if you find me a youtube tutorial describing the training method, similar to how you would want it automated, I can look into a private script for you, if you're interested.
  12. More coming in the very near future!
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