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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by posbot

  1. posbot

    Fruity NMZ

    does nothing when i try to use fire blast. when i use mystic smoke staff it pulls out fires and airs then afks. when i use fire staff it just afks when i use only runes it just afks if i dont choose a spell it pulls out minds to air strike setup: 1 rock cake death runes 6 overloads 20 absorbs any staff + god book works fine with ranged
  2. I dont know it if mattters or not but using stealth injection. After a while of using my bot the mouse input always messes with my bot. even when its set to no mouse input it always goes though.` https://gyazo.com/6c4d1197b7bd6970b347fd4dd78497a8
  3. idk ur prices r too low and 2 feedback
  4. gotta be special kinda stupid to fall for it
  5. terrible idea just make tabs or stunalch
  6. posbot

    Fruity NMZ

    When i bring my hp down to 1 using rock cake and enter nmz and start the script if my hp goes back up to 2 the script wont bring it down back to 1 before using absorb pots.
  7. nope. its more about proxies and the script
  8. Ill try but so far the only scripts I've used are extreme tabs and fruity nmz Extreme tabs is kinda broken and nmz logs out after 1 hr.
  9. Didnt expect that coming.
  10. My acc im tried to sell is a better version of that and got max offer of 35$ https://gyazo.com/0e273d9b5ea8e21df626f63b2febecbf
  11. Suiciding 14 hr + Injection Mode BAN STATUS: 2 DAYBAN >>> https://gyazo.com/970201ea8d2ad0526d70e23d7ec32ff5 <<< Happened doing magic tabs as expected I will update this daily. Skill Needed Strength Hp? Range Mage Scripts I'll use: Str/Hp = Maybe fruity nmz idk Range = Either Czar Range for only range exp or fruitys nmz Mage = Extreme tabs (Not fully functional but it's been like this forever) I've used Czar range guild on another account and managed 97+ hr proggy and gotten 99 range with it so that shouldn't be a problem. Using extreme tabs I've gotten from 59-95 til ban. (rip) CURRENT STATS: GOAL STATS 60 ATTACK 60 ATTACK 65 STR 99 STRENGTH 66 HP 99 HP 84 RANGE 99 RANGE 94 MAGE 99 Mage CURRENTLY WORKING ON 94-99 mage via extreme tabs. 42k exp/h making v tabs for profit for a while https://gyazo.com/1d99f5af6907da2054dc63b3c83a1f02 or 72k exp/h making ard tabs https://gyazo.com/8d743383e5e56fac04fd9dce3bb02d4d or Fruity Nmz absorb method lasts 1 hr 42k range exp/h Using rune c'bow and mith bolts. https://gyazo.com/c5e6ee86f7862e36700b439c06f6ca59 Temp Progress 10/18/15 65->66 hp 10/19/15 94-95 Magic 66-68 hp 84-85 Range 10/20/15 68-69 hp 2 day ban 10/22/15 95-96 Magic 10/24/15 85-86 Range (ps. progress will be slow since I'm using slow methods for magic/range since im broke.)
  12. posbot


    added Bought from lacoste
  13. posbot


    i dont even know how those work so no. whys this taking so long
  14. posbot


    Closing thread in 1 day if nobody buys it
  15. posbot


    I dont play rs anymore i dont want osgp ill either give it to someone for free for buying the first acc or just idk
  16. posbot


    1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/6a44fe2685e65f88cb4bb66d8268a8f6 Can nmz AND abyss AND make tabs with teak eagle lectern. 2. Pictures of the login details https://gyazo.com/40632890b9c6d60fe485bc5b38c53c75 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://gyazo.com/5f823e04d57232bf47f8bfff52d50c19 Graceful top and helm/ Mith Gloves/ Climbing boots etc Teak eagle lectern/Alter/Portal Room 4. Pictures of the quests completed Dt/Rfd/Nmz/MM/Lost City https://gyazo.com/7a34d5b72f002bf7fa9b19a89313fb6b 7. The methods of payment you are accepting Verified PP or RP 8. Your trading conditions Use a free mm or you pay/go first 9. Account status https://gyazo.com/1616678c126b9681ab7db0f5a81c3a28 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am original owner account from 2010! Min: 30$ paypal A/w: 45 Lvl 3 account 25 days mem Login https://gyazo.com/1ae8ff5c174520b6bdf39de83e2068d2 Stats https://gyazo.com/8a8adaa73afe1cd8a090407fadead68c Black Marks https://gyazo.com/9e3f0018f13f913c6b3a717cef320aa5 Wealth https://gyazo.com/66d0c6b9c90646c36040c823dbaeceab Will accept Paypal from trusted people or RP (Riot Points) from people with less feedback. edit: i guess i can take osrs gp but you wont get the second acc since ill need to sell the gold. I am original owner of both accounts. CO: 35$ from bdw0223
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