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  1. Yeah the payment has left my paypal account
  2. I made a post about this yesterday. I contacted @Maldesto who has not responded to me. How can I resolve this?
  3. I just paid for 4 scripts. The money has been authorised with paypal, but the scripts didn't get added to my repository. I got this error message. Can someone help? "There was an error processing the payment. Please try a different payment mehtod or contact us for assistance."
  4. Yes mate this is when approaching the docks. EDIT: Spam clicking the prayer seems to be fixed by turning "Quick switches" off. EDIT 2: It also prays range during the first phase when it doesn't need to. When doing more than one kill per trip, it doesn't attack Zulrah until Zulrah starts the initial animation.
  5. This works flawlessly, however, when it goes to enter Zulrah's island it keeps rocking the camera angle back and forth. It does this every single time. Can this be fixed? This seems like a very quick way to get banned if you're botting for a few hours at a time
  6. Script name: AIO Magic - Trial length: 2 day - Reason for Trial - I want to see if it's more reliable than another magic script I've purchased from another scripter... - Are you going to give feedback on the script? > Yes
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