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  1. Vlad's 1-99 Progressive Crafter Script Features -Modular leveling with focuses on profit, or efficiency, selected on script start. -GE support: sells crafted items, Smart resource purchasing based off of amount of gold -Turns off run when inventory has too many bars and run energy is below a certain threshold -Will finish current crafting task and sell jewelry crafted off before moving onto the next level tier -If started in Edgeville bank it will check bank for resources based off of current level tier and continue crafting them -Items can be in bank or inventory when starting script Notes... ***Important*** all profit calculations are based off of rough estimates, items are bought at highest average price and sold at lowest average insta-buy price to ensure bot keeps running, with efficient leveling this will cause money to be lost but with profit leveling money will be earned and generally higher than estimated when selling items script will collect gold with "Collect all" button, obviously if you're selling other items it will collect them. If enough people who end up using the script request a change to this I may implement one. Crafts jewelry using Edgeville furnace and manually walks to GE then back to furnace Script can be started anywhere and bot will walk to GE but starting in GE would lead to best results Script Requirements.. I would recommend at least 50k in bank if starting from level 1 profit leveling Trade enabled Account If starting from a higher level like 40 for ruby necklaces you will need at least 100k in bank IF EFFICIENT LEVELING:A high amount of GP in the bank is recommend as most of these methods aren't profitable, the script will spend up to ~3.5m when crafting diamond jewelry. Script Jar and source code https://github.com/vladbuff/VladsProgressiveCrafter/tree/master Script code will be posted below and spoilered as the script is quite long... Let me know what you think! Main GUI ZoomControl >Courtesy https://osbot.org/forum/topic/157206-zoom-control/
  2. If you choose the legacy java client option in the jagex launcher, wait for the client to open, start using "mirror mode" rather than "stealth" then once you select an account with the osbot client open it will attempt to hook into the legacy java client launched from the jagex launcher.
  3. vladbuff

    Stealth Quester

    bot crashed during misthalin mysteries multiple times, null pointer exception grabbing key from from barrel, key never grabbed unable to grab knife from table as wrong table was targeted to grab the knife from, script chose table in hallway, bot failed to skip through dialogue cutscenes after pausing script and fixing issues picking up knife from table manually at stage 50 the bot just stopped doing anything and failed to find any stage extra conditions being "false false false 4 0 0 0"
  4. Curious if anyones had experience with both as i'm researching proxies and curious if a rotating residential proxy would have a lower chance of being outright flagged compared to a datacenter proxy. logically I imagine an account being seen as connecting from multiple proxies a day/week would incur a flag innately even if the proxy itself was considered clean though. So my question is, has anyone had better experience with one proxy type over the other?
  5. vladbuff

    Vlad's GOTR

    Vlad's Guardians of the Rift! ***NOTE*** (Another note:currently applied for sdn release so we'll see)This script will most likely not be for release as I'm not 100% sure about the rules around releasing free "complex" (not even sure if this would be complex) scripts that would compete with other gotr premium scripts. If it wouldn't be in any violation I may attempt an SDN request to acquire the oh so elusive Scripter rank! (if anyone knows for certain rules behind this letting me know by pm or in forums would be super appreciated) FEATURES ****^^^^Updated Graphics and full Raiments^^^^**** -Properly handles yellow portals only entering when logical. -Will special attack before mining fragments if dragon pick selected ie:pouches and inventory full or about to be and runes about to be crafted. -repairs pouches when 2 are broken using the abyss but only repairs after a game is finished. -Allows player to select pickaxe at the start as well as what Raiment's pieces they are using and what pouches they have. -Independently gets correct gear set on script start if not already wearing it. -Accurately identifies if pouches are filled after interaction and will repeat if bag wasn't properly filled after interaction. -Properly able to balance cat points to ele points to ensure even spread -Places charged cells and knows when no charged cells in inventory and to get more -Realistic & random mouse movent and idles after interacting with objects Item Reqs... Dueling Rings Amulets of Glory Rune or Dragon pickaxe Script Start reqs... start in the minigame spawn room and you'll be good to go if items are in the bank the bot will automatically retrieve and equip them. ...Now for what it doesn't do *Doesn't do any amount of questing all reqs have to be done already *Doesn't automatically loot from rewards guardian *Doesn't build guardians *Doesn't handle anything for the abyssal lantern *Doesnt handle Colossal pouch as im not 85 rc xd Hope it doesn't look too bad thanks for checking it out feedback appreciated!!
  6. Vlad's Cemetery Trainer Script UPDATES Now supports Ursine chainmace and updated graphics Script Features This script takes advantage of the Salve amulet effect combined with the Viggora's mace effect to get exceptional melee experience for the 60 attack bracket. -Automatically buys Revenant Ether in increments of 2000 and charges Viggora's mace once charges are at 0 -When players are seen in the wilderness the bot will protect from mage then run & TP at lvl 20 wild, Once out of wildy it will hop worlds to avoid the world were a player was seen. Will also disable auto retaliate when a player is seen and re-enable it once safe. -Human-Like pray flick to extend trips and decrease detection. Stops flicking at 12 prayer to preserve points in case of pker. -Modular gearing options (currently set up with what I've found use for, will add more if people request.) -Targets Ankous when not auto retaliating and loots their drops to help offset cost of ether. -Attack style selection at start of the script to train Attack, Strength, Defense, or Balanced, with dynamic exp trackers based on your choice. Script Requirements Skill Requirements -60 attack for Viggora's mace -43 prayer to pray flick Gear Requirements -Viggora's Mace. Doesn't have to be charged but needs to be activated with first initial 1k ether. -Salve Amulet (E). -Ardougne Cape 1. Used as prayer restoration method. -Initiate OR Monk robes ***IMPORTANT*** All other gear slots are optional but you MUST have the gear selected equipped, or in the bank, otherwise the script will exit itself. if you'd like to wear ring/gloves/boots/helmet not included in the script then select "none" and have it equipped already, make sure you already have the selected helmet worn if using your own gear in the "none" slots, as not having the helmet worn already, or not selecting the "none" option, will cause the script to deposit all worn items. Item Requirements -Gold in bank for Revenant Ether -Monkfish as food source. -Divine strength potion(4) for stat boost. -Varrock teleport tablet to exit from wildy. -Cemetery teleport tablet to teleport to cemetery. -Varrock teleport runes in bank to tp back to Varrock from Ardy monastery after restoring prayer. Script Start Notes: Start script in GE, Varrock center, or Varrock west bank for best results. No items in inventory or equipped are required for the script to function, just make sure selected gear is in your bank or already equipped. Turning off player left click attack is recommended I'm going to be applying for a release on the SDN so script will be available after the application.
  7. Really appreciate this as i was still getting rounding errors at 1hour+ with my new method currently testing yours right now !
  8. I've realized the error is with how java divides ints normally in that it throws away the quotient and rounds. after changing my code to do the division without throwing away the quotient and it rounds the final number so the exp per hour doesn't have a decimal seems to be working for now. public void onStart() { startingStrengthEXP = getSkills().getExperience(Skill.STRENGTH); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int currentStrengthEXP = getSkills().getExperience(Skill.STRENGTH); final long runTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; double actualQuotient = (double)3600000 / runTime; Math.round(actualQuotient) * (currentStrengthEXP-startingStrengthEXP)
  9. Currently using this equation with my logic being that 60 minutes / time elapsed * experienced gained will equate to the correct experience per hour and in my script i use this equation to represent that public void onStart() { startingStrengthEXP = getSkills().getExperience(Skill.STRENGTH); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int currentStrengthEXP = getSkills().getExperience(Skill.STRENGTH); final long runTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; (3600000 / runTime) * (currentStrengthEXP-startingStrengthEXP) and this works up until about the first 15 minutes and i notice the math starts to go under and it becomes very obvious at 20 minutes were i was able to do the math in my head and know that it was 50% what the correct amount of experience per hour should be. Is there an issue with how I'm calculating the run time or is there a better way to calculate experience per hour? thanks the calculation code is in my onpaint() if that makes any difference. another thing after about 30 minutes it seems to just equal a 1:1 ratio where exp per hour is = to strength gained
  10. Issue is as described in title here is my @Scriptmanifest @ScriptManifest(author = "Vladbuff", info = "Guardians of the Rift Bot ", name = "Guardians of the Rift bot ", version = 1.0, logo = "https://i.imgur.com/hmJS5Uo.png") I imagine its something small i'm missing but i know for certain my image is 180x180 and i tried other images with the same dimension on imgur and none of them seem to work thanks a bunch!
  11. realized i was being an idiot and just not using it correctly looked through other threads in this section
  12. Trying to make my 1st script and having issues identifying an amount of item in my inventory by the ID. I read the API and found the getAmount() method but I cant seem to properly pass it the correct parameters. Ive been able to get it to successfully take the correct item ID (I think) but I cant seem to get it to interact with the correct container. long copperAmount = 0; public long getAmount(int... ids){ return copperAmount; } public final String copperOreAmount(final long ms){ long amt = getAmount(436); return String.format("%02d", amt); } I have code in my onPaint() that prints out the result of copperAmount that looks like this to debug the results g.drawString(copperOreAmount(getAmount()), 300, 300); It will only print out 0 even though I have the item in my inventory and i'm worried that my print statement may be incorrect or that i may be inputting the parameters of getAmount() incorrectly or if my return statement is incorrect or something im missing entirely. ive also tried typing it is Inventory.getAmount() to ensure it was pulling from the inventory container and not just interacting with nothing but it gave me an error about a static method interacting with a non static method but when i made everything static it would just throw the same error.
  13. I AM AN IDIOT THANK YOU I appreciate you letting me figure it out a bit it has been solved
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