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  1. it seems that the break condition does help. public boolean hop(int world, java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.lang.Boolean> breakCondition) Hops to the specified world id if the destination is not already the world you are in. Parameters: breakCondition - Return true to break the hopping process Is there any way to make the world hopping instant like it is with keybinds on runelite?
  2. Sorry my question might not be clear. I have the hopping itself. But when its hopping (scrolling the world list, selecting the world, etc... ) When it gets attacked then it just stands there.
  3. Hi, Thanks for the reply. That is indeed an oversight on my part. But how would this workd with hopping world? i assume i would need to write the hopping myself ? getWorlds().hop();
  4. Hi, i am writing a script that loots a ground item and then world hops and repeats. When the player enters combat it runs to a safespot waits for combat delay hops world and tries again. This works but i notice it bugs out when the script is in the middle of an iteraction or world hopping etc... I would like the script to stop whats its doing as soon as it enters combat and move to the safespot. What would be the correct way to achieve this. Thanks in advance. if(getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) < 6){ if(ItemCountInInventory() <= 14){ paint.setCurrentStatus("regenerating some health"); WalkExact(SAFE_SPOT); sleep(60_000); } } else if(!myPlayer().isUnderAttack()){ TakeItem(item, position, ItemCountInInventory()); } else if (myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) { WalkExact(SAFE_SPOT); sleep(5000); getWorlds().hop(nextWorldInOrder(true)); } private void TakeItem(GroundItem item, Position position, long inventoryCount){ paint.setCurrentStatus("Looting item :" + ItemCountInInventory()); if(item == null || !position.equals(item.getPosition())){ getWorlds().hop(nextWorldInOrder(true)); } else { item.interact("Take"); Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> inventoryCount < ItemCountInInventory(), 5000, 100); log("InventoryCount " + ItemCountInInventory()); } }
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