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Scripter II
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About espi

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  1. espi's Account Builder I made this script a year or so ago, then took a break from scripting. The intention was for a script that will take fresh accounts and get them to the point where they are no longer trade restricted / obvious bots. It's currently missing a fair few features that would really enable it to perform well (such as GE support for restocking items/upgrading tools), if there is sufficient interest I will continue development of this script. This is more or less just a proof of concept, it's not fully fleshed out. Some quests/skills are better than others. There are probably some bugs, but I tried to fix most of them before releasing. Only does stuff that's f2p accessible at the moment. Features - Full tutorial island support. Completes in ~6mins. Uses (mostly) realistic names that are dictionary based. - Supports multiple skills, list below. - Supports multiple quests, list below. - Randomises task duration (within user defined bounds) and activity. No two accounts will take the same route. Helps avoid heuristic bot detection. - Flexible quest point target. Supported skills - Woodcutting - Fishing - Cooking (uses fish from fishing) - Mining - Ranged (I recommend putting bows/arrows on the account or its gonna run out almost instantly) Supported quests - Romeo and Juliet - Goblin Diplomacy - Cook's Assistant - Sheep Shearer JOIN DISCORD Please join my discord for updates, to request features, to post bug reports etc. This is the main way I'll tell whether or not the script has sufficient interest for me to continue development of it. Insufficient interest to continue development. Changelog
  2. Weird! I didn't push any updates glad you like it, thanks for the feedback!
  3. Hey, so just to clarify - it levels up and then just does nothing until you restart it? I'll look into why this could be happening, but I haven't had any other reports of this so any and all information you can give me is very helpful. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the update! Glad you like it
  5. I've received 0 reports of anyone getting banned from this, but that said, you're botting firemaking at the GE on f2p worlds. It's pretty risky.
  6. Update is now live, sorry for the delay but I hope you enjoy!
  7. Some very nice API additions, love your work!
  8. Glad you like it! The update that adds config saving/loading and CLI options hasn't gone through yet, but it shouldn't be long. I do apologize for this delay! When the update hits though, the CLI options allow you to select a config that you've saved, or use 'default' to get the default options. -script 1217:config-<filename> Let me know if you have any issues or suggestions
  9. Thankyou! The update has still not gone through, but I'm sure it's not far off. Let me know if you have any more suggestions
  10. I've updated this script to allow you to save and load configs, and to support being launched via CLI. Please allow 24 hours for the changes to become active. See OP for more information
  11. Not currently, although it is on my agenda to eventually add profiles and CLI support to this - but I'm not sure when I'll get to it. Added! Thanks for the kind words though!
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