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  1. phat07

    Stealth Quester

    regicide gets stuck when withdrawing cloth for the fire. https://pasteboard.co/IYHQvR1Zj2NS.png edit: it seemed to fix itself after it afk logged out and logged back in.. lol
  2. phat07

    Stealth Quester

    gets stuck during regicide. it stays in the forest saying "waiting for NPC spawn", when the next step is to kill the tyras guard and then pick up the pots from the tyras camp. @Token
  3. how can we tell when an update is pushed out for osbot? (sorry im new)
  4. phat07

    Stealth Quester

    script doesn't drink staminas during underground pass. also, instead of searching the walls to disarm the traps, it would be better just to run thru and take damage, because every fail gives 7 damage and you have to redo it, whereas running thru takes 7 damage but atleast you can progress.
  5. phat07

    Stealth Quester

    amazing script except for dragon slayer it will get stuck trying to loot the keys for the doors because the inventory is full.
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