What makes you think we cant reach utopia? are you aware of what they're doing now lol? how can you possibly think we cant
I havent, I myself sufferd from social anxiety, unfortunately I was raised by woman, the most judgmental people on earth xD I honestly hate people who judge others, im guilt of it but I mostly did it out of anger, no reason at all buy anger. I cant just randomly hate someone for no reason, i'd feel shit about myself if I was like that tbh...
maybe the "illuminati" doesnt exist, but its fact that there are people who are in-controll of things which me and you arnt supposed to know, in other worlds, a high anarchy which is controlling possibly government/media and whatnot, i'd be locked up and considered crazy for even thinking this which is what makes it "funny"
Yeah, I could name atleast 100 people who've exposed this shit and simply happened to die
watch that, you'll find it interesting xD (he also got shot killed)
Paranoid teenagers? xD
they just havent fallen into the "system" yet, thats why they're able to comprehend him, the deeper you are in this shit, the less you'll see reality.
honest question though, do you understand anything hes saying? i've realised people who disagree with him are just trying to seem smart by saying the contrary. Im not saying you are, although you most likely are lol since everything hes saying is 100% fact, and if you're not aware then gz to me for teaching you.