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Everything posted by Scean4

  1. message me i can get it for you
  2. ill give you one as a vouch copy but thats the only one im doing, pm me.
  3. No, you just log out and onto the one you purchase from me, and if you want back on to your account you log out of the one you get from me and back onto your account.s
  4. You just message me and prove the account is not working anymore and i send a new one.
  5. eather post an offer, if it sounds good ill take it, if its not enough ill say a little more, just trying to be nice
  6. I have accounts with lifetime Premium for sale post or pm offers, and every account has a lifetime warrenty.
  7. the accounts arent hacked, please get more information before you post accusing me of hacking accounts.
  8. Pm me on here or add my skype for more info: Seanturk2
  9. Problem is there was another update on runescape, less than an hour ago so give the developers some time to release .36
  10. money, just for getting the gp's
  11. i want like a logical answer that is true not just advertisement.
  12. its a mixture of people watching you, getting reported and acting like a bot (getting stuck and whatnot)
  13. If i had more time i would decompile it and take a look myself but im a bit busy atm.
  14. Scean4

    Im Back.

    Hello fellow botters, gold sellers and scriptwriters and friends im back this time to stay and i finnaly am not as buy since my school ended.
  15. Scean4


    Thanks for all the updates
  16. Scean4

    Dont bot *****

    lmao any one with enough sense knows not to bot rock crabs lmao, its a verry good place to bot and jagex knows that .
  17. Coming from a lurer it is really good, the only problem is the entry fee, there is an entry fee for most clans, i know almost all big lurers, if you want to get into luring pm me your skype, i can teach you.
  18. and if you disagree with the idea there is no reason you cant just look away and ignore the thread, it will hurt no one just because its in existence.
  19. hacking in all reality is nothing but pure knowledge for one example and tools and such are made by programmers witch in fact uses programming, so you are wrong about hacking having nothing to do with programming, i think it would be a great addition but if any one try's to send there little "legit.exe" it needs to be an instant ip ban, it really can help the community and there will always be a side of people that disagree and people that agree, so why not just let us have this thread where we can share knowledge, not all hacking related tools and such are malicious i myself am a grey hat hacker witch mean i like to social engineer and do sorts of stuff like that, anyways this post is directed to no one individual but to the whole community as a whole.
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