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Status Updates posted by JoyfulJerry

  1. love the scripts and your gotr bot is insane. Only issue im having is the fact that it doesnt recognize my dragon pickaxe anymore. i dont know if it was something that happened with the new halloween update but it doesnt register that its in my hand or in the bank. i had no issue up until today but now its acting up and its rather disappointing. I appreciate any help!

  2. Love your scripts so far and i will keep supporting your work! quick question on your perfect blast furnace. Can you make it to where your coal bag gets filled while still banking. you have the option to right click and fill the coal bag while banking and then add a ful inventory. this would potentially replace the current setup to where it grabs an inv of coal, extis bank, fills the coal bag and then goes back into the bank for another coal load. just something that ran through my head while using the script. Thanks again for all your awesome scripts!



    1. Czar


      Appreciate the support it means a lot <3 I will keep adding new stuff request anything you like (within reason) and I'll add it to the script 😉

      I believe we already added that feature though, but I named it weirdly. I think it's called [Action-bank open] and it'll basically handle all stuff like coal bag, staminas etc while the bank is open. Feel free to give it a go and lmk how it goes 😛 

  3. hey my man! love the scripts but for some reason that motherlode miner is bugging out really hard. it keeps bugging out when i try and set up in the SE corner

    1. Czar


      Use my setup, got many 99s with this one (and then tell me when you reach 72 so I can send you the next profile)



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