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OSRS updated awhile ago, client is not working now nvm it works it didnt 10 minutes after update
just to double check i opened up 2 osbot clients had 1 bot on each and same result after script starts on both freeze's and unresponsive
Hello there i resently added your Progressive cooker to the scripts i have a small problem when i open this on 2 bots in same osbot client the client Freezes and comes unresponsive and i have to force close via task manager if i run this script on 1 bot on the client is runs perfect
I think i figured it out but please correct me if im wrong i needed to add public boolean onExit; on my second script and on my main i changed it to this try { highLevelAlch.onStart(); while (highLevelAlch.onExit) { highLevelAlch.onLoop(); Thread.sleep(100); // Adjust the sleep duration as needed } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); seems to be fine, no errors atm.. going to test watch it breaks xD
DarkScuzz started following Scripting help (new to scripting and Scripting help
first of all im using IntellJ Im trying to use my main script to call, to a second script to keep it more clean / less code to go through I've tried mulitpul ways and i always find myself with errors my current error will no go away after many attemps Operator '!' cannot be applied to 'void' Error is this piece of code where is errors is while (!highLevelAlch.onExit()) { highLevelAlch.onLoop(); private void startSecondaryScript() { log("Starting Secondary Script..."); secondaryScriptThread = new Thread(() -> { HighLevelAlch highLevelAlch = new HighLevelAlch(getBot()); highLevelAlch.exchangeContext(getBot()); try { highLevelAlch.onStart(); while (!highLevelAlch.onExit()) { highLevelAlch.onLoop(); Thread.sleep(100); // Adjust the sleep duration as needed } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); secondaryScriptThread.start(); } public void stopSecondaryScript() { if (secondaryScriptThread != null && secondaryScriptThread.isAlive()) { secondaryScriptThread.interrupt(); } } @Override public void onExit() { log("Exiting Ethereum Bracelet Charging Script"); try { closeBank(); // Close the bank when the script exits } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
I've just watched my script run... and.. well I goes from egdevill bank runs south towards barb village then go left to monastery then passed black knights fortress then to wildy.. a strange bot when i coded it to goto closest green dragon i thought it would of gone over the Ditch and ran north
I've fix this issue
my script is not working ... i dont understand why so im next to edgevill bank in my script the bank has been choose for my script to goto on inventory full and or when starting script on start the script gets my GUI menu for gear seletion after i click start bot it just keeps says this on os bot [INFO][Bot #1][09/15 01:00:24 PM]: Started script : DragonTest [INFO][Bot #1][09/15 01:00:42 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=2057, y=2505, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][09/15 01:00:47 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1021, y=1241, z=0]]; here is my webwalk part of script i had this working great yesterday but with more changes it just.. does not work private static final Area BANK_AREA = new Area( new int[][]{ {3093,3491}, {3072,3456}, {21,35} } ); private static final Area GREEN_DRAGON_AREA = new Area( new int[][]{ {2975, 3626}, {2944, 3584}, {31, 33} } );
thanks for the fast reply i've added a webwalk into that as you said, im now adding At green dragon area auto prayer function i wont be posted all the script from now dont want others to steal.. xD i want a private made one for myself
I've been editing the script abit more and im again stuck I've been able to get to move to edgevill bank but it gets stuck sometimes at the Yew tree's by the outa wall and says [INFO][Bot #1][09/14 04:53:59 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! but its not at the bank and another thing, i have it opening the bank with a GUI option for gear i choose gear from the GUI and it opens bank and then trys to webwalk after does not even take gear... import org.osbot.rs07.api.Inventory; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Walking; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Random; @ScriptManifest(author = "DarkScuzz", info = "Green Dragon Killer", name = "GreenDragonKiller", version = 1.0, logo = "") public class GreenDragonKiller extends Script { // User options private String foodName = "Lobster"; private int foodAmount = 15; private String gearOption; private String amuletOption; private String capeOption; private String ammoOption; private String weaponOption; // New options for Ranged and Ammo Type private String rangedWeaponOption; private String ammoTypeOption; private boolean shouldBank = false; private final Random random = new Random(); private static final Area BANK_AREA = new Area( new int[][]{ {3094,3491}, {3072,3456}, {21,40} } ); private static final Area GREEN_DRAGON_AREA = new Area( new int[][]{ {2975, 3626}, {2944, 3584}, {31, 33} } ); public GreenDragonKiller() { // Initialize your JComboBox variables } @Override public void onStart() { log("Welcome to GreenDragonKiller!"); setupGUI(); } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (shouldBank) { bank(); } else { if (getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) < 50 && !hasFood()) { shouldBank = true; return 1000; // Delay before heading to the bank } activateProtectionPrayer(); if (!GREEN_DRAGON_AREA.contains(myPosition())) { walkToGreenDragons(); } else { combat(); } } antiban(); return random(1000, 2000); // Delay between loops in milliseconds } private void activateProtectionPrayer() { // Implement logic to activate the Protection from Melee prayer } private void walkToGreenDragons() { Walking walking = getWalking(); walking.webWalk(GREEN_DRAGON_AREA.getRandomPosition()); } private void combat() throws InterruptedException { NPC greenDragon = getNpcs().closest("Green Dragon"); if (greenDragon != null) { if (!getCombat().isFighting()) { greenDragon.interact("Attack"); sleep(random(800, 1200)); } } } private void bank() throws InterruptedException { if (getBank().isOpen()) { depositAndWithdraw(); shouldBank = false; // Implement logic for selecting and equipping gear here if (gearOption != null) { // Example: Equip gear based on user's gearOption choice switch (gearOption) { case "Adamant Armour": // Code to equip adamant armor break; case "Rune Armour": // Code to equip rune armor break; // Add cases for other gear options as needed } } getBank().close(); // Close the bank after gear setup } else if (BANK_AREA.contains(myPosition())) { if (!getBank().isOpen()) { getBank().open(); } } else { getWalking().webWalk(BANK_AREA); } } private void depositAndWithdraw() { Inventory inventory = getInventory(); if (inventory.isFull() || !hasEnoughFood()) { getBank().withdraw(foodName, foodAmount); } if (gearOption != null) { // Implement withdrawing and equipping gear here } getBank().close(); } private boolean hasFood() { Inventory inventory = getInventory(); return inventory.contains(foodName) && foodAmount > 0; } private boolean hasEnoughFood() { return getInventory().getAmount(foodName) >= foodAmount; } private void antiban() throws InterruptedException { int action = random.nextInt(4); switch (action) { case 0: getMouse().move(random(50, 750), random(50, 450)); break; case 1: getCamera().movePitch(random(0, 100)); getCamera().moveYaw(random(0, 100)); break; // Add more antiban actions as needed } sleep(random(2000, 4000)); } private void setupGUI() { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Green Dragon Killer Setup"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setSize(400, 400); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(12, 2)); JLabel foodLabel = new JLabel("Food:"); JComboBox<String> foodDropdown = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"Trout", "Lobster", "Swordfish", "Monkfish"}); JLabel gearLabel = new JLabel("Gear:"); JComboBox<String> gearDropdown = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"Adamant Armour", "Rune Armour"}); JLabel amuletLabel = new JLabel("Amulet:"); JComboBox<String> amuletDropdown = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"Strength Amulet", "Glory Amulet"}); JLabel capeLabel = new JLabel("Cape:"); JComboBox<String> capeDropdown = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"Obsidian cape", "Skills cape"}); JLabel ammoLabel = new JLabel("Ammo:"); JComboBox<String> ammoDropdown = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"", "", ""}); JLabel weaponLabel = new JLabel("Weapon:"); JComboBox<String> weaponDropdown = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"Adamant Weapon", "Rune Weapon"}); JButton startButton = new JButton("Start Script"); // New components for Ranged and Ammo Type options JCheckBox rangedCheckbox = new JCheckBox("Ranged:"); JComboBox<String> rangedWeaponDropdown = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"Magic Shortbow"}); JCheckBox ammoTypeCheckbox = new JCheckBox("Ammo Type:"); JComboBox<String> ammoTypeDropdown = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"Mithril Arrow", "Rune Arrow"}); startButton.addActionListener(e -> { foodName = (String) foodDropdown.getSelectedItem(); gearOption = (String) gearDropdown.getSelectedItem(); amuletOption = (String) amuletDropdown.getSelectedItem(); capeOption = (String) capeDropdown.getSelectedItem(); ammoOption = (String) ammoDropdown.getSelectedItem(); weaponOption = (String) weaponDropdown.getSelectedItem(); // New options for Ranged and Ammo Type if (rangedCheckbox.isSelected()) { rangedWeaponOption = (String) rangedWeaponDropdown.getSelectedItem(); } else { rangedWeaponOption = null; } if (ammoTypeCheckbox.isSelected()) { ammoTypeOption = (String) ammoTypeDropdown.getSelectedItem(); } else { ammoTypeOption = null; } startScript(); frame.dispose(); }); panel.add(foodLabel); panel.add(foodDropdown); panel.add(gearLabel); panel.add(gearDropdown); panel.add(amuletLabel); panel.add(amuletDropdown); panel.add(capeLabel); panel.add(capeDropdown); panel.add(ammoLabel); panel.add(ammoDropdown); panel.add(weaponLabel); panel.add(weaponDropdown); // New components for Ranged and Ammo Type options panel.add(rangedCheckbox); panel.add(rangedWeaponDropdown); panel.add(ammoTypeCheckbox); panel.add(ammoTypeDropdown); panel.add(startButton); frame.add(panel); frame.setVisible(true); } private void startScript() { log("Starting GreenDragonKiller with gear setup:"); log("Food: " + foodName); log("Gear: " + gearOption); log("Amulet: " + amuletOption); log("Cape: " + capeOption); log("Ammo: " + ammoOption); log("Weapon: " + weaponOption); // New options for Ranged and Ammo Type if (rangedWeaponOption != null) { log("Ranged Weapon: " + rangedWeaponOption); // Implement logic to equip the selected ranged weapon } if (ammoTypeOption != null) { log("Ammo Type: " + ammoTypeOption); // Implement logic to equip the selected ammo type } // Implement the logic to start the script with the selected gear setup } @Override public void onExit() { log("GreenDragonKiller stopped."); } } With that .. on top of things it starts the moving to bank even before i choose what gear to use in the GUI
Thanks for the reply it was that issuse thanks for helping class GreenDragonKiller extends Script { replacing with public class GreenDragonKiller extends Script { sorted the issue, it now starts with osbot
the script is oready there in the folder ive had it run when i was messing with it yesterday and now it just doesn't
I've been messing around with this for hours after i have done all this the script will not open in OSbot client i've had it open before when i was still in the process of making the better now im clueless i did add armour ealier but removed it... i need to readd this is more for testing and learing how to it will shows up in OSbot client scripts its listed in the C:\Users\username\OSBot\ScriptsOSbot/ but im lost atm and need sleep import org.osbot.rs07.api.Inventory; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; @ScriptManifest(author = "DarkScuzz", info = "Green Dragon Killer", name = "GreenDragonKiller", version = 1.0, logo = "") class GreenDragonKiller extends Script { private boolean shouldBank = false; private static final Area GREEN_DRAGON_AREA = new Area(2974, 3618, 3029, 3650); private static final String ANTI_FIRE_POTION = "Anti-fire potion"; // Name of the anti-fire potion private static final String FOOD_NAME = "Lobster"; // Name of the food you want to eat private static int FOOD_AMOUNT = 10; // Change this to the desired amount of food @Override public int onLoop() { if (shouldBank) { // Implement banking logic here // You can use the closest bank or any preferred method bank(); } else { if (getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) < 10 || !hasFood()) { shouldBank = true; return 1000; // Delay before heading to the bank } // Activate the Protection from Melee prayer if (!isPrayerActive()) { activatePrayer(); } // Check for and use an anti-fire potion if (inventory.contains(ANTI_FIRE_POTION)) { inventory.interact("Drink", ANTI_FIRE_POTION); } // Equip gear and implement combat logic here // ... Combat logic ... // Eat food if health is low if (getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) < 10) { eatFood(); } } return random(1000, 2000); // Delay between loops in milliseconds } private void activatePrayer() { // Implement logic to activate the Protection from Melee prayer // For example, you can open the Prayer tab and click on the prayer you want to activate. // getTabs().open(Tab.PRAYER); // Perform a mouse click on the prayer icon. } private boolean isPrayerActive() { // Implement logic to check if the Protection from Melee prayer is active // You'll need to check the color of the prayer icon or its state on the interface return false; } private void eatFood() { // Implement logic to eat food from your inventory Inventory inventory = getInventory(); if (inventory.contains(FOOD_NAME) && FOOD_AMOUNT > 0) { inventory.interact("Eat", FOOD_NAME); FOOD_AMOUNT--; } } private boolean hasFood() { // Implement logic to check if you have enough food in your inventory Inventory inventory = getInventory(); return inventory.contains(FOOD_NAME) && FOOD_AMOUNT > 0; } private void bank() { // Implement banking logic here // You can use the closest bank or any preferred method } @Override public void onExit() { log("GreenDragonKiller stopped."); } }
Hello everyone The script is now back working, it must of just need the client to be update Use client version 2.6.52 for this to work
Hi man, i've ran the script only about 2 days total or just abit more and earn about 4m ish and not completed fairytale having the bot do ranarr seeds, profit about 100-200k a trip uses 5 ranarr seeds atm (not unlocked farms guild) come back with 4-500k in return just completed the quest to get to fossil island and now im 61 farming 61 hunter had the script run some days 8 hours