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Everything posted by Nitrousek

  1. Lol, those ranked stats. 106 games jinx, 10 games others. XD
  2. My flatmate was challenger #2 EUW last season, then his account was stolen by his former teammate... lol. And you're worrying about being stuck in plat 1, xD. Play duo or something, perhaps that'll help. When I'm duoing with my friend, who's about same skill level as me, we still win games by owning botlane hard. For anyone wondering, "Pulse Niqq" is a scamming cunt. (on the league of legends scene)
  3. BawsZ Nah, just kidding, good job.
  4. Try logging in/out, in your default browser // other browser, Also, from what I've noticed in the previous cases, it seems that this problem solves itself after some time.
  5. Sorry, no time for this, and this is truly time consuming project. I have developed several minigames in the past, a RPG-pong for example (lol). I'd advice creating it in Unity, if anything.
  6. I made you best avatar ever.
  7. I got banned because of him, my account was too secure for him to hack, so he sent my info to Jagex. That's how you get banned on OSBot, I'm sure.
  8. The real question is, why are you threatening the little, defenseless dwarves?!
  9. Okay, so this thread just happened.
  10. Hmm, not bad then. I suspected about a week XD.
  11. But the time I'd take to sell all these. It's huge.
  12. They really aren't. Dunno where you get this information from. They are overly underpowered in DayZ.
  13. GOTHIC. Yes, my children. The one, true RPG. Gothic.
  14. I love how people are trying to justify wasted money XD. Maybe DayZ SA will be worth the money in the future, it's just not at this moment. But yeah, I see how you can see this as an invest.
  15. I played DayZ standalone, was a disappointment, I expected more. FPS isn't any better for me compared to the mod, and they said it'd be like in the ARMA Editor... dream on. Desync was terrible, and overall, DayZ Mod is a better choice at the moment, provides much more fun. I have bought "Rust", to try it out, and it turned out to be much more fun.
  16. Hax or real? If so, how did you learn it? You've probably practised it quite a bit, as it seems really hard to write that fast without knowing/using any techniques. I'm averaging 100.
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