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  1. P.s. can you add Jatix's Herblore Shop or Little Shop of Horace please
  2. A++++ Script just be careful with bans make sure to use breaks
  3. free trial please and let me know price of script in 07gp might want to buy
  4. zwxxxz

    Please Help

    I did many times reinstalled, restart pc etc.. still nothing.
  5. "Mirror Mode" isn't working when using Jagex Launcher only "Stealth Mode" works. How can I get "Mirror Mode" to work? https://gyazo.com/3f91835c6fd3453ce48f4e3631ada63f P.s. HDOS doesn't work either and Legacy Client gets ""ERROR Unfortunately Old School Runescape could not be started. Please try uninstalling the game and re-install using the button in the jagex launcher. If this problem continues, contact Jagex support." Someone Please Help
  6. I have Runelite patched to OSbot already. Problem is won't let me run "Mirror Mode" with the Jagex Launcher only stealth.
  7. Bought another script it's awesome only thing I would add is option to be able to "enable/disable spell filtering"
  8. A++++ 3rd script I have bought so far & 100% KICKASS
  9. A++++ 2nd script i have bought so far & 100% KICKASS
  10. A+++++ bought script it's KICKASS!!!!
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