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Everything posted by nero89

  1. Alright, I'll hit you up I appreciate the offer, If this doesn't work I'll try hitting you up
  2. I hate this quest so much - I want it to be automated. I realized I put this in Services - I actually want it scripted.. Someone messaged me about doing the quest - I will likely have to have someone do it since it is a pain
  3. This was the winning ticket for me. I personally recommend trying to find reasonably priced residential proxies, not datacenter ones. Someone (i.e. Jagex) can look up your IP, find the location & who owns it, which in this case would be your ISP - such as Verizon. BUT for a datacenter, it will be shown to be owned by a corporation, and not be provided by an ISP. I tried using some free azure credits to run a VM, and I would get banned within 24 hours because someone definitely saw I was using a Microsoft VPS's IP to bot. When I tried using my VPN, I did get banned, but not as quickly. After this I went with residential proxies: no bans when paired with reasonable botting behavior. iplocation.net to see who owns it - try using it with your VPN vs your ISP.
  4. What do you want the script to do? (be specific, the more details the better) If you do quest scripts, I want a script to complete the Sheep Herder quest from start to finish The quest must be able to be completed on at lvl 3 (or similarly low leveled..) The account will not need to collect gold ahead of time. Character should go to the bank and withdraw some if not in inventory. I have an idea as how to herd the sheep, for what that's worth Budget: $50 or so. If you want more than that lmk. I will need at least a few days to get btc/eth once we agree on a price Thanks!
  5. awesome Thanks for the recommendations guys! I'll definitely give zack's script a go. I'm doing everything in script factory as it stands - its so nice
  6. Title explains it all, I'm trying to create a series of WT 'prepared' (harcore) Ironmen I can play with. I'm running them through my own scripts - somewhat following along to the OzirisRS Ironman guide. I like playing the HCIM style but I suck and want to make multiple accounts I can use. then I can churn my dead accounts into future bots.. Also I want to push how much xp / how far up the hiscores I can get with botting - 200m xp would be hilarious. What Wintertodt scripts do you guys like to use/prefer? I'm sure they are all great ;). I have at least the free script factory one but I will probably try some of the paid ones as well.. Side note: Anybody have a script for sheep herder? Dumbest quest I've ever seen Edit: I have a feeling this post more appropriately belongs in the Community/Runescape forum section.. Maybe someone can move it for me?
  7. Just recovered my username RS account from 2005. I played rs3 on a different account, but I'm back to zero on OSRS
  8. nero89


    Hello, Just joined. A friend of mine used OSBot before and told me to go here. I'm a programmer at heart but I've started with script factory for now - the concept is interesting to me Anyway here is my first Scrip Factory script - burn down the Lumbridge castle as a newbie https://gitlab.com/Nero89/RSBot/-/blob/main/OSBot/ScriptFactory/LumbridgeCastleBurner.txt
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