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Everything posted by rigadoog

  1. I was getting the delay with both Mithril and Adamant bars. I understand mistakes and making the bot not tick perfect is a good thing for anti-ban, but it was basically like clockwork that it would stall for the same 5-10 seconds every time between depositing the bars and withdrawing more coal. If it needed to use a stamina potion, it would run as normal without the delay, but otherwise it would stall at the same point consistently. Like I said, I understand it's not feasible or even a good thing for the bot to be tick-perfect but only running at 66% can really cut into profits, especially since it costs gold to use the Blast Furnace.
  2. The script is constantly stalling for 5-10 seconds after depositing bars. It doesn't happen when withdrawing more coal, only after depositing bars. It may not seem like a very long delay but it adds up and cuts into profits quite a lot - the wiki says 3600 bars/hour and I am only getting about 2400 while using stamina pots. It also sometimes forgets to collect bars from the dispenser.
  3. Would you ever add picking bananas on Karamja, adding to a basket and banking?
  4. I wasn't watching the entire time, but it seemed to only happen when it wasn't depositing bars, and sometimes if I checked back after a while it would be running without error.
  5. Yeah it was just at lower percentage, it seems to be working good now, just wastes a use of the potion when at 0%. I did notice that when doing Mith bars it will open the bank chest -> immediately esc out of it -> re-open bank, and continue running. I didn't notice it doing that with Steel bars. I'm below 60 smithing so it might have something to do with paying the foreman, I ran into a bug where it was paying him over and over as well.
  6. I noticed if I run out of energy when using stamina potions, the script doesn't turn run back on.
  7. Does it support making Tuna Potatoes? If so, which parts of the process...?
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