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  1. Can I get a trial please thank you
  2. Skills: https://gyazo.com/8a5ac1a6a60bc83697692d31da3532c8 Quests: https://gyazo.com/6ffdb0d6b85c692b55b03289739f6a0e Barrows Glove: https://gyazo.com/4003bf86f6071c90ff4c2856273c1fe0 Looking for a price check to see if I wanna sell it.
  3. Script name: Khal Blast Furnace - trial length: ~2 days - Reason for trial: looking at purchasing script and wanna test it before hand. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script?: Always do
  4. Hello, how much could I sell a mith glove account for? Also is there anything else I could do to make it worth a bit more thank you.
  5. Hello, I would like to price check this account to sell thank you.
  6. Script name Khal Runecrafting AIO - trial length 2 days - Reason for trial - Looking to buy it but wanted to test the features and see how it runs thank you. - Are you going to give feedback on the script? Definitely, anything to help improve the script.
  7. Script name Khal Agility - trial length 2 days - Reason for trial - Looking to buy it but wanted to test the features and see how it runs thank you. - Are you going to give feedback on the script? Definitely, anything to help improve the script.
  8. Nah I didn't know haha thank you
  9. Hello, can someone give me a price how much I could sell this for thanks.
  10. - Script name Khal Rogues' Den - trial length 2 days - Reason for trial I'm thinking about purchasing it, wanted to test it before spending more money. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Yes, of course I will give feed back weather I like it or not Thanks
  11. Hello, I am creating a service team so I am looking for hard workers who can help out, you will get payed based on accounts you do Add me on discord for more info Discord: SHA256_#0257
  12. Add me I can use some help SHA256_#0257
  13. Version: 1.0 Features: Auto buy the best axes Auto choose the best location for you Checks if you are in a members world or not for locations Auto Banks the logs More to come soon... Contact me if you find any bugs or issues thanks. Discord: brandonlea#0257 DOWNLOAD
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