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Everything posted by bobbysto

  1. Hello - It seems the script is trying the wrong option when crafting bow strings from flax. Is there a way to re-bind them? Brief log: [INFO][Bot #1][03/24 01:16:09 AM]: We are looking for: (bow string) [INFO][Bot #1][03/24 01:16:09 AM]: Trying option: 2 ...<col=ff9040>Bow String</col> [INFO][Bot #1][03/24 01:16:09 AM]: The correct choice: 2 option is: <col=ff9040>Bow String</col> [INFO][Bot #1][03/24 01:16:09 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "no name for 5000ms" [INFO][Bot #1][03/24 01:16:14 AM]: Script Perfect Crafting complete has paused! [WARN][Bot #1][03/24 01:16:19 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now. This is a member account, I assume the options are hard coded, but in my case, bow strings are option 3, not option 2. Currently I am needing to watch the bot get to the wheel an intervene, which sort of defeats the purpose. Edit: I went back and found your fix by changing the display settings. This has temporarily resolved the issue
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