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Everything posted by MmmKile

  1. Hey, Just wanted to say this script is very good. I did end up with a 1 day ban, so I'm taking a break for a bit. I was able to get a lot of levels and PC points. I used the breaking system, but I probably could have been more generous with the break time and how often to break. I came across 2 issues that I'd like to bring to your attention so that the script can be updated if possible. 1. Sometimes the bot would get stuck behind a brawler or two and just keep clicking to run past them. Until I manually paused the script and clicked to run around, it was just standing there. I'm not sure how complex a correction to that would be, but maybe if the script is able to detect the character not moving when it's supposed to be, run an alternative route by clicking north or south first to run around any potential obstacles. This wasn't very common, but I did notice it a few times while watching the script run. I believe this was similar to what drewp was saying a few comments up. 2. This one is minor, but if I'm using a whip, and would like to use a DDS for special, it will only use the DDS. I tried manually switching back to the whip after the special attack was drained but the bot just re-equipped the DDS every time. I'm not sure if that was user error on my part or if I just didn't understand the menu option for special weapon attacks. If this is simply how it is supposed to work, please disregard this portion. Anyway, it's a great script. Keep up the good work, and thank you!
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