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FushigiBot last won the day on July 21 2024

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  1. Botting is never safe so just make accounts specifically for botting.
  2. It's never abuot the script, but how you use the script, in game location, ip, etc etc. You get banned through a flag/heuristics system. I wrote a guide on how to minimize bans, but it's too long so just check it out here.
  3. Again. You cannot use mirror except with the vanilla client that I posted above, lauched independently. This means, no jagex launcher or steam client. At least this is the way it is now but it might change in the future.
  4. There is no secret sauce to it. You bot and learn how to avoid getting banned. You could get a level 3 account to 99 thieving without bans, or get banned instantly. The same goes for an account thrown into an account builder.
  5. FushigiBot


    My SF script packages includes both a vyre pickpocket and a fighter. Czar's fighter includes vyrewatch fighter and his thiever also includes vyrewatch pickpocket.
  6. Not sure you can connect to the jagex launcher client, as it is only made to hook into the vanilla client. This also means you won't be able to run Jagex Accounts. This is the client that it supports.
  7. Antiban is a gimmick. Jagex uses heuristics and the ones at the top of the list is acc progression, client, in game bot location, and ip. There are more, but these are quite important. For the most part, the items here are what gets you flagged and then banned.
  8. I'm using mirror atm. Got a couple 3pc bans over the last 2 weeks on stealth.
  9. Welcome to botting. Some ban waves were issued yesterday so you were likely just caught in them.
  10. No bans. Some areas are being targeted, like Vyres, though.
  11. The druid pouch has a different item id plus you can check for item amount regardless of item id
  12. You don't ;o You just couple a check to the filling action. Use get inventory item amount checks and whether your inventory item amount changes when the fill pouch action is performed.
  13. Best script antiban is creating a script with 0 code in it. "Antiban" has not been shown to do anything. Jagex uses a flag system to monitor and ban accounts. If you were botting yesterday, you might've got caught in the w400 bot busting event.
  14. Bought. Sorry, was looking for a clean acc.
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