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  1. Do you have a timeline for safe-spotting? Saw you mentioned it recently as a possible feature. Would love to use this script on my 1 Def pure
  2. You still support this script Tom? been having some issues with area selection feature does not seem to work anymore
  3. Hey Khal! Been awhile. Noticed Agility script is throwing an error after the latest OSBot update.. Copied the text from the logger. No SS included because.. well the script wouldnt start! Attempted to run Relekka rooftops with breaks
  4. Hey Khal, noticed a couple of bugs with this script, specifically fighting Annomite Crabs.. https://ibb.co/JC1288n I've noticed that the reset timer and aggro timer will occansionally go in to the negative. I'm not sure if this is intentional or having any adverse affects on the script. It does seem to be able to work its self out after time as I've run it for several 8 hour sessions and whenever I check it's usually fighitng. Sometimes I will have to give it some guideance though.. usually a quick pause/play fixes anything broken. I have also noticed: It will occansionally "stall out", What I mean is it will lose aggro for enough time to actually log out and log back in. Here's the weirdest part, whenever it logs back in and ressumes aggro, the crabs will attack the player but for whatever reason the player doesnt resume aggro even though auto retaliate is on. I've seen it happen several times where the player is standing there getting smacked for 0's and nothing is happening. I also have been using only the force attack crash option. I tried the world hop option and it seemed to just cycle logging in and out for no apparent reason. I was wondering if you could give a better instrcution on how to use this feature. Love your scripts! All the best
  5. Can I grab a trial. Interested in my next investment
  6. Just caught it refilling @ 30% seems to be running great now! Thanks
  7. Yeah I'm assuming I started with partially full/close to empty can and the message probably popped up in the middle of the run and as you mentioned it only refills inbetween runs by design so it probably ignored the prompt completely as it was already in a planting/watering phase. Perhaps it would make sense to have it check and see if you need a refill at the start of script or before beginning a run as a failsafe. Could have it set to go at 30-50% or sometthing so that its gaurenteed to always be full. Just a thought, hope it helps! In the meantime I'll make sure I got a full can before running and keep an eye on it to see if anything else strange happens.
  8. Might want to re-examine the use of Lunars/Griicollers can feature then. Gricollers can does need to be replenished once it reaches 0%. Humidify spell also does refill can to 100% (I tested before I left the farm and just checked my can is at 100% full.) Seems there's an error with check on the can if it's empty and what to do next. Rereading your notes - it seems like watering/planting is taking precedant over refilling the can. Perhaps if I had let it finish it's failed patches it would have refilled? But also seems like the check should happen prior to starting another run so that this situation of watering dead plants doesnt arise. Or perhaps add an additonal check that when plants start dying to see if you still have water. Not sure what caused it to lose track of the can being empty in the first place. I'm horrible at scripting so hopefully this makes sense..! Also you mentioned you dont need lunars if using Gricollers can but it's listed as a feature: Listed feature: - Lunars support to fill watering cans/Gricollers can
  9. Hey so I ran it for about an hour this evening, have Grocillors can and use Lunars selected, have the required runes. For whatever reason it totally missed the water replenish check and was just running around trying to water dead plants. Looks like I caught it right after it failed as the log still showed the point when plants started returning as dead. Included the log but as you said not really helpful.. Was having trouble using the forum upload feature so I've included a link to the screenshot https://ibb.co/mSwQ8yP
  10. Recreated everything to the best of my ability. Obivously can't recreate progressive mode as I don't have another account with farming. . Only thing different is the chatbox as I started at GOTR
  11. I don't know jack about scripting, just a lurking man with a bit of logical knowledge. Seems like you need the bolean to check for the cape first. Does player have Zammy cape? If No, search again, if Yes, Go-to Attack player action
  12. This is not true. I average 1-1.5 hr bot seshions, with 15-30 minute breaks, 8-12 hours a day. No bans.
  13. I'll try and recreate the potiotioning when i get home from work!
  14. Hey Khal, looks like theres still an issue with progressive mode. I had it finishing up the last two levels for the final seed and stepped away to make dinner, when I returned player was outside the door idling. Attached what was relevant from the log, the [INFO] kept repeating itself and wiped everything else from higher up. Hope it helps!
  15. Hey Apaec noticed there's a bug with the script while making Torstol unf potions. For whatever reason with clean herbs and vials in the bank it'll terminate the script whenever it attempts to make the unf potions.
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