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  1. That would be amazing thanks
  2. hey, i was wondering if this is able to awaken golems in the ruins of Camdozaal and fight them? There is also a bank in the cave, is that also a banking option?
  3. Looking for a simple private script to purchase pink dye. Can't be bought normally, must first go through a dialog.
  4. I ran into an issue with breaking, I have it set to hop worlds when rocks are not available. When it's time for the game to break it can't find the log-out button because the menu has changed.
  5. oh cool thanks for the info
  6. Hey, I'd love to buy some more scripts, was wondering if there is a promo code for cyber Monday today 11/27/2023?
  7. Are there any Cyber Monday sales available for today 11/27/2023? If so what is the promo code Thanks
  8. Alright I'll buy both of the scripts, are there any promo codes available?
  9. Hey, I have purchased your perfect fighter and really like it thanks for the awesome script! was wondering if perfect mining offers Motherload mining also?
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