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  1. Yo Czar, can I gets a trial please?!
  2. So, I start with a totally empty inventory except for the coal bag (also empty), set the script to smelt 10 mithril ore, and this is what I get: Am I doing something wrong here? EDIT: Found this on the osrs wiki, maybe this is breaking the script?
  3. Ok, I'll try that next smithing trip. I just said screw it and used normal smithing for then.
  4. Apologies if this is somewhere in the 35 pages and there is a way to search (that I haven't found yet...) but what is up with the Coal Bag usage? It just checks it repeatedly forever. I've tried starting script with it empty and full, but it doesn't seem to work. Am I doing it wrong?
  5. Thanks for the reply, I totally forgot about this. I understand the extending delays and I'm ok with that, but I believe (i could be wrong) that the extended delays are causing logouts, and I can only get a few hours in at a time. Like you suggested, disabling that option immediately fixed the issue, but I'd rather use the option and not risk bans, but not at the expense of having to restart every few hours. Apart from that, it works beyond perfect for me and I wouldn't add any features tbh. TriscuitMan
  6. Is there a particular reason it's not in the resizable mode?
  7. Can I get a 24 hour trial please?
  8. Everybody is a critic.... works great for my needs, wasn't able to get any other ones to work this well.
  9. Bought this script today and been running it for about 45 min or so. It seemed to work GREAT for the 30 min I ran it with lobbies at the fishing guild. Switched over to swordies, and it gets hungup when the fishing spot leaves. As you can see in the attached image at 06:05:46 the fishing spot moved, and it decided to wait about 41 seconds, but after 90 seconds I clicked it over to a new one. This has happened a few times, but decided to get a screen cap of this one. I feel like 90+ seconds is a LONG time to wait. Is that just how the script is written, or is there a problem?
  10. Any chance I can get a free 24 hour trial?
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