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Everything posted by wentright

  1. ok thx for the replies, i will do things differently from now on.
  2. hey, I bought 3 accounts with 60att,str,def and botted some requirements on it for a farm i'm trying to start. Also bought 3 proxies for them cause the requirements are kinda expensive. but still they got chainbanned within 10 seconds, how is this possible. I know i have to be careful with ip switches, and surely with chaning timezones drastically. But still how do they all get banned within 10 seconds while all having different IP's the proxies i bought we're from ProxyFish.com, never had any problems with these proxies tho. any thoughts? since i'm new to botting, and im serious about starting a farm
  3. I wanna become a goldfarmer and I have read alot do's and dont's but everyone is saying something different, but i have my conclusions by now just cause logic thinking. but there's a few more things I do wanna know before I spend a shitload of money on this. 1. does it matter what kind of email you have? e.g johnnysins69@outlook.com or like a "bot" jsDpe5Od41@web.com. 2. if I buy already hand trained accounts with no email set, and early hours of training are done. is it suspicious to suddenly change the IP to one of my proxies? 3. what is the chance to get chain-banned if 2 or more accounts are on the same proxy? 4. last one, im gonna build a dedicated PC for my farm, botting is only CPU heavy right? (i dont want to use VPS) i'd like to hear some thoughts.
  4. But how will jagex see the difference between an emulator and an actual phone?
  5. Hey, Are the ban rates lower on mobile than on PC? And if this is true. Could i then mirror my botfarm to an android emulator on PC? While using different proxies?
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