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Pssy Magnet

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Everything posted by Pssy Magnet

  1. So I've been thinking of buying OSRS GP but I am very paranoid of being banned on my main. Is it safe? What are the chances of me being banned? Who and where are the good places to buy? I have an IRL friend who does nothing but play RS and will sell me mills for .50 cents each and here it looks like .80 cents each. Should I avoid RWT or does everyone do it and have no negative experiences?
  2. So after 3 suicide bot accounts and 1 fresh main account it seems it's impossible to bot without ban... Just to mention, I babysit the "fresh main account" and today I received a temp ban for 3 days. Sucks knowing I've spent over 50 USD in 2 weeks on premium scripts just to figure out that botting is insanely dangerous Edit: Been here 9 days actually
  3. Yea. Figures lol. Some douche named "smdnonames" was like "Another bot reported gg" I'm sitting here like ....OOOOOK 1 man army to stop all bots... smh
  4. Maybe I was stupid for botting fishing in world 1 at barb village? I was thinking id blend right in...
  5. So I was running a suicide bot for like 24hrs mining, got banned, no big deal. My friend who got me back into this game also got banned. I did bot his fishing from 9-40 and cooking 1-40 but I am wondering if they banned him for botting because he supported me with pickaxes? Opinions?
  6. Within 24 hours. I made a new account, got 10 qp and mined 3k iron and 1k coal.... If anything, im going to babysit accounts I care about
  7. im anxiously waiting too lol. just got my suicide bot banned using premium scripts
  8. Hey Khal! I would love a trial of the Pest Control Script before buying. Would you be willing to let me have a trial? Please and thank you!
  9. What's good buckos. I am The Pssy Magnet! I started in 2002 like a low life SOaB, played legit for years... got banned, got my account back with a last chance and got my final ban on Funorb! Ever since losing my main, idgaf about wasting my life away, so now I'm here to bot I've used some bots in the past but it's been at least 7 years since I played.
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