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  1. Bot works great but i have a werid issue. After the bot needs to bank it uses ring of duelling, he banks and walks to the closest spirit tree, then to grand exchange and if it is at varrock west bank it uses games necklace to tele back to the dragons. I have the games necklace already in my inv but why walking too long and use the teleport if it has already in his inv ?
  2. I dont use it at this moment, will update you after a couple days if it happens again.
  3. I moved my deathspawn to Edgeville, still logs out on about 3/10 dies.
  4. I think the bot is down, cannot open the bot if i select it. Worked good all day.. EDIT: All other bots are working expect this bot atm.
  5. Sometimes when i die the bot just logs out in falador. Not going to bank or something else. Sometimes when i die the bot just logs out in falador. Not going to bank or something else.
  6. Script works great, only got banned on all my 10 accounts all of different IP.
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