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mark jacobs

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  1. Got hit with a ban yesterday. Was botting for 4 month + and all of a sudden got hit with a ban. Zero Total level to 1900+. All my own personal scripts which I've never received a ban for. I always mix up what I'm botting and never bot more than 2 hrs without breaks. It has to be client detection, because I also decided to help my friend get a couple levels on an account that was never botted, ended up getting banned as well for just 2 hrs of botting with breaks, with my own script that I've never had issues for 4+ months. Both bans are only 2 days not perma banned, so its not an issue. I don't think its just a 'ban wave', has to do with jagex detecting the client like others have said and mentioned. Stay safe out there guys. Hopefully the devs can figure what is detecting the client.
  2. Thanks for responses I will prob end up setting a boolean like khaleesi mentioned. Ty all!
  3. How would I go about checking to see if a small, medium, large pouch for Runecrafting is full or empty? They are the same ID whether they are full or empty. Any help would be appreciated, ty!
  4. Ty sir seems to work perfect now! Should i be using this sleep class instead of conditional sleep?
  5. mark jacobs


    For this simple cooking script. When the bot clicks uses the salmon on the fire and then the cook all screen comes up, it will click the cook all widget, but sometimes it will try and use another fish on the fire after its already started cooking? why is that? I tried everything but still does this. any help or suggestions? Here is the script. I ended up putting random sleep delays as it helps it not do it as often, but still does. public void cookALL() throws InterruptedException { script.currentState = Status.Cooking; RS2Object fire = script.getObjects().closest("Fire"); if (fire != null && !script.myPlayer().isAnimating()) { script.inventory.getItem("Raw salmon").interact("Use"); sleep(random(544, 747)); if (fire.interact("Use")) { sleep(random(555, 643)); RS2Widget cookiconbutton = script.getWidgets().get(270, 14); cookiconbutton.interact(); new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return !script.inventory.contains("Raw salmon") || script.widgets.isVisible(233) || script.getDialogues().isPendingContinuation(); } }.sleep(); } } }
  6. The logic behind it. My GUI design is there, the logic part is what I am struggling with. Here is what I have so far that is not quite working: Gui class variables private boolean DropToggle; private JCheckBox DropCheckBox; Gui class Checkbox //Dropping Check Box DropCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Drop?"); DropCheckBox.setFont(new Font("Sans Serif", Font.BOLD, 15)); DropCheckBox.setBounds(53, 285, 150, 20); settingsPanel.add(DropCheckBox); DropCheckBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { DropCheckBox.setSelected(true); DropToggle = true; } }); Gui Call method public boolean isDropBoxChecked(){ return DropToggle; } Main class OnSstart if(gui.isDropBoxChecked()){ tasks.add(new DropFish(this)); } Drop task public class DropFish extends Task{ private boolean dropItemsEnabled; public DropFish(EioFisher script) { super(script); } @Override public boolean canProcess() throws InterruptedException { return script.inventory.isFull(); } @Override public void process() throws InterruptedException { script. currentState = Status.DROPPING; script.inventory.dropAllExcept("Small fishing net"); } } When I check the box it does nothing. And here is a visual of my GUI design I still have to work on the other sections, but I was starting with figuring out the dropping and banking first before I even tried the Type, Tool, and Location.
  7. Just getting back into scripting. Trying to learn how to implement a GUI checkbox for which the user can select if they wish to bank or drop items. I have my GUI panel made, I just cannot figure out how to pass data from my GUI class, Main class, and drop/bank class task. If anyone can point me in the right direction! or has tips! please let me know! Thanks greatly in advance!!!
  8. Yeah, I guess I need to just find the quest completion widget and if it exists, then stop(); thanks.
  9. Working on my first quest script, and it's completed, but how would I handle the script exiting/stopping upon completion of the quest? Thanks for help!
  10. Wanted to ask a question about my loot class. I'm fairly new to script writing and when I created this loot task, and add it to my task list, it makes the entire bot really laggy compared to when I remove it from my task list. I'm guessing this is because im calling a really heavy method or something on my activate or execute? So far, this is what I'm using: Any thoughts on why it literally makes my client feel as if i'm using a computer from 2002 because it's that laggy, lol?? Any advice appreciated!
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