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Everything posted by Apocryphal

  1. I have heard from people that they heard of people getting MAC banned in some cases. But I dont really believe it is a thing, maybe in very extreme bot cases or something. But honestly no clue, just guessing.
  2. Note that one of the primary issuses in regards to using only one ip is chain banning. Get detected on one bot and you will likely find all your other bots operating on that same ip being banned.
  3. If you end up installing (or just want the fully updated version too) the latest Java version, and get an error saying you need to run version 8: Make a file called anything.bat and put the following line in it: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_231\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar yourosbot.jar You might have to change the path if yours is installed somewhere else.
  4. I Was just searching the forum about the magic cast earlier
  5. I believe it helps if you "handplay" the accounts a bit first, but again nothing but assumption and anecdotal experience to back it up. But it really depends on how you want to approach it. If you are going to suicide f2p bots then it might just be a waste of time, but if you are going for p2p or stuff with higher reqs then you probably should. A happy medium could be to get a good script that does some randomized early gameplay for you. Kill some different mobs, burry some bones, complete a few random quests etc. ( <- ties nicely into needing to get over the trade limit on f2p accounts)
  6. Definitly. I used gmail before on another client, sourcing several from one account. It seems like it might be easy for them to chain ban accounts like that, but I have not had it happen personally (at least I dont believe that to have been the cause the few times it has happened). My only other concern is that that seems to be the solution a lot of people go with.
  7. My pleasure. Agreed on the account creation part. I imagine you propably touched on an equivelent tool during your work, but if not then I can recommend Selenium as a starting point for solving that issue. Put some time into finding a good email provider for it that isnt too restrictive, but still legit. Will safe you a lot of pain down the road.
  8. There is the following guide https://osbot.org/forum/topic/115124-explvs-scripting-101/ by explvs which is a pretty good starting point to get the general idea. If you have some Java experience already you could also just jump straight to the documentation: https://osbot.org/api/ I only just recently started using osbot, but it is very similiar in interface to many of the other bot clients, so if you have some familiarity there then many of the same concepts carry over, but I have found osbot to be pleasently easy to work with. In regards to proxies: You propably want to make sure to avoid using shared or hosted ones. Other than that the best recommendation is probably also to try and avoid the ones you see pop up most in searches on the forum. I dont have anything concrete to base it on, but using proxies that most people use might not be ideal. Edit: Oh, and this map, also by explvs is a godsend: https://explv.github.io/ (that dude deserves a medal)
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