clear the jagex cache each time before logging in
never use your real name/ birthday information on any new account that you create
actually play like you don't want the account getting banned, make pure account, etc, don't make it seem like you're just another level 3 bot
dont make it so obvious that you're botting, go kill other bots that are at wilderness, dont bot with cheap armor, use realiable combat scripts
actually play the game from time to time, do some pking, chat to strangers, etc.
bot a maximum of 3-4 hours per day, don't bot every single day
randomize break-times and hours played
use different scripts(trusted) for each skill that you bot, since they gain xp/ money at different rates.
don't ever get your account hacked, the hacker could send proof to jagex that you are botting, use very distinct emails/passwords for each bot.
stay away from other bots and bot-heavy areas, especially level 3 bots
stay away from 13 year old kids that tend to abuse the report option
don't use garbage scripts with poor anti-ban measures.
avoid using more than one bot provider as they could have script trailing that could be detected by jagex
have multiple bot accounts, but NEVER actually bot on your main, make your way to pmod and never get banned on that account
use a proxy server and a VPN, never user your real ip
*DEVELOPERS ONLY: jagex does things like swap the ID's of rocks and if you take too long writing down each ID their system could flag a potential bot dev
- not sure on this but apparently buying members could decrease the odds of getting banned.
things to consider:
a massive botnet with ip's different than that of your own to distract Jagex and not get your real accounts banned.