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Fried by kbd

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  1. hi, could i get a trial please
  2. Nice account. I would suggest selling around 600m. Having low feedback will impact the sale of your acount tho
  3. Alright thanks guys. Have you got any tips on how to gain reputation? I figure the post count is just being active in the community
  4. I’d probably only pay roughly $20 for this
  5. 2 defence does hurt abit but you’d still be looking at easily $140
  6. Interested if you end up selling
  7. 35-40m is the price that I’d be expecting to pay for a rc account. Also depends on feedback
  8. Got an account ready for vork. Add my discord Fried by Kbd#3623
  9. Still looking man? Add my discord Fried by Kbd#3623
  10. Hey guys, just looking for a price check on a starter main. I understand price might drop to having little to no feedback but im tired of the game and need to give it up. Account has full void with range and melee helm, avas assembler, fire cape, barrows gloves and im sure theres more that ive missed. Ive cleaned the bank so sadly theres only a couple of mil left on it. Account has no blackmarks and i am first owner. Quests like DS 2, MM 2, Rfd and Desert treasure are all completed stats- https://gyazo.com/a33a7d8bce3f90ae5c5eb673ebdc91f9 Quest points- https://gyazo.com/85773e0679263019df1cddc25aa2e72d <LINK REMOVED BY STAFF>
  11. Hey Apa, Could i just try the sand crab one for now? cheers
  12. hey man, could i have a trial please
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