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  1. That's messed up dude. It could of been a delayed ban. I'm personally not botting anymore, Jagex are doing a great job of banning everyone that does. But, are they banning people that aren't even botting due to 3rd party clients such as Orion?
  2. Okay thanks for clearing that up dude. Thread may be closed.
  3. No, but in my message center it says it is a 2 day ban.
  4. Hi, So recently I was using a theiving bot (won't say which one as I don't want to build a negative reputation for the bot, as it is my fault. I knew ban rates were very high) and recieved an apparent 2 day ban. However, when I try to look at the evidence of the ban it says it will expire on the 23rd 2015! Is this correct protocol? Or has something gone wrong with the banning of my account? Please get back to me via this thread. Many thanks. Brad.
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