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Everything posted by Khalid_2000

  1. I thought if you don't gold farm you would get a two day ban not a perm ban. Do you understand where I'm comming from ?
  2. Hi, I made a pure like two months ago and I have botted everyday 6 hours with breaks. It's still nearly a maxed pure and it isnt still banned. I have a maxed main which I was hand trained, it's a username account which was recreated back in 2006. I got carried away because my pure isnt still banned after 2 months of botting plus the with the coronavirus outbreak, I really thought this was a good time to bot on my main to get agility for pking. I would never gold farm. I botted for 3 hours with breaks plus I trained some hours legit. I got hit with a perm banned. I have had that account since 2006 and only has one offence for offensive language in 2013. I got perm banned for botting agility in the wilderness somewhere which isnt a hot spot. What can I do ? Can you seriously perm banned for agility? Any advice would be great !!
  3. Hi guys, I have two accounts. I have a main and a Zerker. I got a temp banned on my Zerker last month. My main is clean but I can't afford to keep training legit with college and work etc. I just want to know if I bot with my main will it affect my Zerker ?. I am not botting on it but they are using the same IP plus they nearly have the same name aswell fml. I won''t be gold-farming on my main, I just want to train skills like Woodcutting and cooking etc. The bad thing about this is that my IP doesn't change, my old router allowed me to change IP by turning it on and off. I know about VPN, but the free-ones are usless. Do you think if I bot on my main it would get my zerker perm banned ?, any advice would be great. Many thanks guys.
  4. Hi, Can I change scripts ? I bought your perfect Motherlode. Can I change it to this?
  5. Any update because it doesn't support Bolt such as Mithril and Iron .
  6. Hi, I have bought the script. I just want to known how to get the latest update ? Many thanks again.
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