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  1. Hi Czar, Like all your scrips. Thank you. i dont know what is happening at the aerial fishing spot here a log: [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:16 PM]: Couldn't click the fishing spot! (We've detected a phantom spot, use stealth instead) [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:16 PM]: The spot has: 0 height, org.osbot.rs07.api.def.NPCDefinition@2c622f84 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:17 PM]: Couldn't click the fishing spot! (We've detected a phantom spot, use stealth instead) [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:17 PM]: The spot has: 0 height, org.osbot.rs07.api.def.NPCDefinition@2c622f84 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:18 PM]: Changed! before: null, after: org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC@5e2e5378 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:19 PM]: Changed! before: org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC@5e2e5378, after: null [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:19 PM]: Shifting camera upward [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:19 PM]: "chop_count" changed to "151" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:19 PM]: "item_counter" changed to "151" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:19 PM]: "total_fished" changed to "151" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:19 PM]: "inv_hash_last" changed to "125470031" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:19 PM]: "inv_hash" changed to "133782415" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:19 PM]: Price grabbed from cache: 22826. [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:20 PM]: "inv_hash_last" changed to "133782415" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:20 PM]: "inv_hash" changed to "133782398" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:20 PM]: Changed! before: null, after: org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC@142c2d67 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:21 PM]: Changed! before: org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC@142c2d67, after: null [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: "inv_hash_last" changed to "133782398" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: "inv_hash" changed to "142690616" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: Price grabbed from cache: 22832. [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: "chop_count" changed to "152" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: "item_counter" changed to "152" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: "total_fished" changed to "152" [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: Couldn't click the fishing spot! (We've detected a phantom spot, use stealth instead) [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: The spot has: 0 height, org.osbot.rs07.api.def.NPCDefinition@2c622f84 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: Couldn't click the fishing spot! (We've detected a phantom spot, use stealth instead) [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:22 PM]: The spot has: 0 height, org.osbot.rs07.api.def.NPCDefinition@2c622f84 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:23 PM]: Shifting camera upward [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:23 PM]: Couldn't click the fishing spot! (We've detected a phantom spot, use stealth instead) [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:23 PM]: The spot has: 0 height, org.osbot.rs07.api.def.NPCDefinition@2c622f84 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:23 PM]: Shifting camera upward [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:24 PM]: Couldn't click the fishing spot! (We've detected a phantom spot, use stealth instead) [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:24 PM]: The spot has: 0 height, org.osbot.rs07.api.def.NPCDefinition@2c622f84 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:24 PM]: Couldn't click the fishing spot! (We've detected a phantom spot, use stealth instead) [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:24 PM]: The spot has: 0 height, org.osbot.rs07.api.def.NPCDefinition@2c622f84 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:24 PM]: Shifting camera upward [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:25 PM]: Couldn't click the fishing spot! (We've detected a phantom spot, use stealth instead) [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:25 PM]: The spot has: 0 height, org.osbot.rs07.api.def.NPCDefinition@2c622f84 [INFO][Bot #1][12/07 08:38:25 PM]: Couldn't click the fishing spot! (We've detected a phantom spot, use stealth instead)
  2. can I be authed please brother. Unreal release!
  3. Hey @Czar, First of all, I would thank you for your amazing bot systems and support. Since a few weeks i bought couple bots that you make and i like the way they opparate. Since 8-15-2019 you made a new version (V27) but when i start-up your Perfect smither it still uses version 21 (V21). As i allready told you i am new here. Do i have to do something to update the Perfect smither? Keep up the good work! Much love, JF
  4. Hey @Czar, First of all, much love for your support lately and the effort you put in to this script. Can you give us some indication when the next version will be out? Did you also put in the next update te coalbag and the gembag idea? Much love, Juriaan
  5. @Czar, Bot doesnt work at all. Can't smith mithril bars. O][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:52 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 108 minute(s), you will break for 28 minute(s). [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:52 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:53 PM]: Item Definitions loaded: 23494 [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:53 PM]: Definitions loaded: 23494 [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:53 PM]: 23 APIs loaded [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:53 PM]: "eq_loaded" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:55 PM]: Yay! [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:57 PM]: Banks added: [53] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:57 PM]: Floors added: [19] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:57 PM]: Scenery added: [2] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:57 PM]: Carpet rides added: [4] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:57 PM]: Ships added: [5] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:57 PM]: Agility shortcuts added: [13] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:57 PM]: Fairy teleport added: [38] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:58 PM]: Teleport items added: [36] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:58 PM]: Teleport spells added: [12] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:58 PM]: Stronghold added [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:58 PM]: NPC teleports added: [1] [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:59 PM]: Added al-kharid gate (free) [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:59 PM]: Added 14500 nodes to graph in [2238ms]. [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:06:59 PM]: 2 actionpoints ready [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:13 PM]: "ss_smelt_bar" changed to "mithril_bar" [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:13 PM]: "ss_smelt_furnace" changed to "edgeville" [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:13 PM]: "ss_preferred_bank" changed to "edgeville" [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:13 PM]: "ss_smelt_quantity" changed to "1800" [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:13 PM]: "ss_rof_mode" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:13 PM]: "setup_ready" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:14 PM]: Withdrawing 1800x(Mithril ore) for bar plans, continuing... [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:19 PM]: Withdrawing 7200x(Coal) for bar plans, continuing... [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:24 PM]: Withdrawing 1800x(Mithril ore) for bar plans, continuing... [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:28 PM]: Withdrawing 7200x(Coal) for bar plans, continuing... [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:34 PM]: Withdrawing 1800x(Mithril ore) for bar plans, continuing... [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:37 PM]: Withdrawing 7200x(Coal) for bar plans, continuing... [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:48 PM]: Smelting up, stopping delay [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:52 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Smithing... [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:52 PM]: Script Perfect Smithing has exited! its broken, it take all my mithril ore ( 28 ) and then try to pick up 28 coal. Beside of that, where is the coalbag option? Can you please fix this problem
  6. Hey Czar, Is it already update time? i am really enthusiastic Much love, JF
  7. Hey Czar, First of all, thanks for the quick response and for willing to change some things. Gems - Do not bank the gems in between, I think it will cost a lot of time and xp. If the bot would drag the gems down ( sort them in your inventory ), it would be more human like. but not like everytime, once in a while. I like the 75-81 option. There are people who have the updated to Larger pay-dirt sack (162 in stead of 81), maybe you have to put another amount, like 155? The coal bag is an epic idea! Thanks for adding that idea. I really like your support! Much love,JF
  8. Hey Czar, First of all, thanks for creating this script. You can buy a coal bag with 100 nuggets. The coal bag can store coal. When you collect the bag you first filled with dirt, coal is the biggest output of the bag. My qeustion is: Can you add a coalbag option? it would speed up the banking proces and the xp rates an hour. This video will explain what i mean. Skip to 4:54 and watch till 6:06. A coal bag is even better that the mining outfit. There is a problem with the script. If you want to choose a place to mine, the minimap sould appear in the menu. Unfortunately, that map is not visivle at all and i cannot choose where i want to mine. Final comment. If you have the gem option turned on then the gems remains in you inventory. Thats great, but if you fill up the dirtbag, and you have like 1 or more gems in you inventory the bot keeps mining until you have reaches 81 even when its filled up to 80 it will go back to the mining spot and mine the last dirtore . i mean.. why not bank if the bag is filled between 75 and 81. Go back for 1 dirt ore is not really human right? it will also speed up the xp rates and money an hour Thanks and i hope you will fix the problems soon. Much love, JF
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