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Posts posted by Wisply

  1. 30m->22.2m 😜 Also because I'm like that I'll undercut every single one of the quests 

    animal magnetism 2.25m

    another slice if ham 2.25m

    the depths of despar 1m

    enakhras lament 3.75m

    the eyes of glophrie 2.75m

  2. 38 minutes ago, tbfeonar01 said:

    So given the current position, no VPN, how does one proceed? I figure I've got the remaining 29 days of the VIP still so I might as well hop back on the horse. Is there IP based tracking? 

    youre probably good for only one ban. I think you need like at least 3 bans for your ip to be flagged if jagex even does do that

  3. I can do 1-13 for 10k gp which will require around 335 casts of windstrike, or 2680 gp without air staff or 1005 gp with air staff.

    After that I can do

    fire strike for 6.5 gp/xp

    Fire bolt for 5.5 gp/xp

    fire blast for 4 gp/xp\


    based on current wiki prices fire strike 13-66 should cost around 130k gp(assuming you use fire staff which you should) in supplies, and 3460947 gp in cost of me splashing for you

    If youre interested for fire bolt and blast supplies cost contact me and I can figure it out, but the cost of supplies will be much higher

  4. 21 minutes ago, Easy Money said:

    selling accounts on here is hard enough not a lot of buyers tbh, you could probably still sell the account with a ban just at a lower price

    I think its more like the risk of selling accounts instead of making a lvl3 and buying trusted services

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