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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Starcraft

  1. Thanks. 


    I'm sure you did, and I'm sure you'll no longer possess those accounts in a month. 


    Actually i dont even care, i told the owner account will  be banned withing 24hours and it did so. You didnt make any point in your sentence.

  2. it's worth 30-50M so you're very wrong


    gl selling @OP


    Am i missing something in the stats or bank ohmy.png? I bought 82 flats acc with mostly same average skills for 13.5m osrs month ago from No advertising forum.

  3. Hello,

    While suiciding this script I think I might have gotten myself banned. My account is just completely removed from Runescape. All I can do is change my password, but not login, because it says that my username or password is incorrect tongue.png

    Do you not get any messages anymore from Jagex so that you can be sure that you are banned? Did anyone experience this before?


    I did get account banned this morning but not with this script, i used public autofighter and it says account is disabled and check inbox or something. Maybe something wrong with Jagex part and your account is ok. Check if you exist on hiscores.

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