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Posts posted by Botthestrange

  1. Would like a way to compare an integer to skill levels.  This would allow for custom skill level checking using global integers.



    New method to compare INT value to get skill level =>< 

    This could be done using the example below

    check: if %IntName% Value >= Skill Level


  2. Please add new checks for chatbot.


    if chatbot enabled & if chatbot disabled


    This will prevent the script from running this action from running on every loop and could allow for us to create checks that prevent some actions from happening if chatbot is enabled/disabled. 

  3. On 9/1/2021 at 1:18 PM, Khaleesi said:

    Weird, Just tested and it did run back for me no problems... How did you get kicked btw? shouldn't happen

    I will keep an eye on it and see if it happens again with future accounts.  I will just chalk it up to an random mirror mode thing then :) 

    I am not sure what triggered the kick as I came back to the pc to just find the account stuck there.  But if you already have a check in place for this im not too worried about it. 

  4. Please add a check if bot gets kicked from boat and is placed in the abandoned ship location to walk back up to the fishing trawler area. 

    Not sure if this happened due to an idle issue or it trying to break in the middle of a fishing trip.

    I am using mirror mode 50ms, the scripts break handler and not osbots.


  5. Small qol request.

    Please add 

    "If chatbox enabled" & "if chatbox disabled" checks.

    I only ask because I dont like seeing "enable chatbox" on every cycle of my script show up when its already enabled 😉 

  6. 3 hours ago, tryingthishard said:


    Also, checking in-game the name of the item is still 'Small fishing net' and not 'Small fishing Net' , do I need to change it still ? 



    Edit :  Nevermind -- it was the action of net itself  I think I needed to change (when hovering over a fishing spot that is nettable)> 

    You will need to find the methods that are calling the action to the rs2object.  Then remake it with the correct case in this example 'lure' needs to be changed to 'Lure'

    Do the same for net for the shrimps - You will need to make the change in SF


    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, tryingthishard said:

    Oh okay 

    A lot of the public/free scripts are not updated after released.  However you can check for newer versions or reach out to the author by checking if they post here: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/342-script-factory/

    For the fishing issue, this was caused by jagex changing the name in game from "net" to "Net" same with "lure" to "Lure".  You just have to fix the case setting in the script restart and you should be good to go.

    • Like 1
  8. Im a monster and just do everything on my own residential IP up to 6 accounts running at a time on the same machine, 50ms mirror mode.

    Have had recent luck with

    Undead Druids
    Hunter (red chins)
    RC (nats or comics via abyss)

    Use different break timers for all and usually dont run an account more than 4-8 hours a day max.  I also try to use different methods all at once, so I dont have like 6 undead druid accounts going at the same time.

    I have had very bad luck recently with


    I also use accounts that dont look like botted stats and all f2p stats at a random lvl between like 30-50.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Coin4Coin said:


    Was making a reference to getting banned for harassments & threats.... but you know the jagex filter is on by default makes all naughty words ****s.



  10. 4 minutes ago, Coin4Coin said:

    Jagex hates this one simple trick! 


    Lol just don’t bot and you won’t ever get banned. 

    EZ :kappa:

    Challenge accepted you **** **** ****** *** ********* and ****** your **** ****** hope you ****** * ***** ****

  11. Can also confirm miss clicking issues still occur regularly (mirror mode 50ms).

    Consistent miss click of dialog widgets (Consistently see this one the Yes. section on accepting a quest or end of tutorial island when you would select yes to travel to the mainland).

    Also issues regarding items changing not being detected.  Example bucket -> bucket of milk not being recognized.  Value for Bucket still exists = true, value for bucket of milk = false when inventory contains nothing but a single bucket of milk after milking a cow.

    World hoping also not working right.  It would go to world hop fail to click the world to hop, then scroll to another world fail to click it and just keep going in a loop scrolling through world until I manually intervened. 

    • Like 2
  12. 6 hours ago, Banes said:

    Add Explv's Walker to that. It's cheap and a great help!

    F2P imo all you need is two...

    Explv's Walker - 99 cents!
    Script Factory - $25

    And for future I cant recommended Stealth Quester enough - $25

    IMO If you are sticking to F2P then script factory already has everything you need.  It has over 100 scripts now I believe that are free and open to the public to download for it.

    You have scripts that will gold farm, ge flip, do all of the skills (even combat) and all of the f2p quests including dragon slayer have been made and published to the public there.

    • Like 1
  13. I must be crazy or missing something small.

    Since the new GUI release of OSBot my configs no longer save.  I will open a single mirror mode client change mirror mode settings to uncheck recommended, set my reaction time and check box to disable all Randoms.  I close out and relaunch and its all reset, it never saves.

    I have tried this on 2 different machines and a VM with no dice.  I have been dealing with it, but figured I would see if anyone else is having this issue and found a solution?

  14. I just use a residential IP and bot roughly 6-8 accounts at a time off it.  6 of them typically of the same machine even.  I have personally had better luck just going off my local res IP than proxies.  But thats just my experience. 

    I did a writeup a while ago about how I feel proxies are a waste (if you live in places like UK or US) unless you are doing large farms or are trying to use the "my account was hacked" trick to unban high level accounts that got caught botting, or using a VPS for your bots to get around datacenter flagged IP's.

  15. Yeah this has always kind of been a thing.

    I have a script that just launches multiple osbot and osrs clients at once.  Then I connect all the accounts back to back and it will pickup the different clients.

    For the example below simply copy/paste it into a notepad and rename it as a .bat file.  You also have to have osbot file on your desktop and renamed to just "osbot.jar" without the file version.  If you want it to open more or less just copy and paste more of the lines.  This example will launch 4.


    start "" "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\jagexcache\jagexlauncher\bin\JagexLauncher.exe" oldschool
    start "" "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\jagexcache\jagexlauncher\bin\JagexLauncher.exe" oldschool
    start "" "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\jagexcache\jagexlauncher\bin\JagexLauncher.exe" oldschool
    start "" "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\jagexcache\jagexlauncher\bin\JagexLauncher.exe" oldschool
    start "" "java" -jar "C:\users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\osbot.jar"
    start "" "java" -jar "C:\users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\osbot.jar"
    start "" "java" -jar "C:\users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\osbot.jar"
    start "" "java" -jar "C:\users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\osbot.jar"


  16. 13 day is about the longest you can get.  Typically 7 is the max.  The only reason the 13 day one was obtainable was the weekly "update" was skipped that week.  Every week everyone has to restart their clients at least once for the update.

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