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  1. Could i get an auth to check this out?
  2. Reported

    Stealth Quester

    The buy price of a falador teleport is set to a couple gp (<33). Can this be increased to something above the current market price? Edit: Same thing for Salve graveyard teleport. This one is not as bad as falador teleports tho. Edit2: When it needs to deposit all items, it right clicks each single item to deposits it. This does not seem human-like at all, for a full inventory of items. Edit3: It fails to find a path to zeah when starting from lumbridge.
  3. So I liked this idea a lot and it's simple to make. Started working on it, found out that you need to have 2FA authentication setup. Guess that it wont work out haha, i'll be looking at the other ideas.
  4. An account builder has been on my mind too, but below script can be used for that perfectly. It's even programmed by a wizard. Looking to improve an existing script might also be a good idea, have not thought of it yet. I like the idea of dragon slayer from scratch, could combine it with an account builder-ish. Straight out of tutorial island to DS, with tons of breaks in between to try and keep it safe... . Thanks for the idea's so far (also in PM)!
  5. Hi there, Not sure if this is the right section, but i have read that the Script Development Section isn't the right one either. I'm looking for script suggestions, especially ones have low level F2P requirements and are currently none existent (publicly at least). One thing that interests me is an AIO F2P quester, but there already are great quest scripts out there, reinventing the weel seems a bit unnecessary. I have recently made scripts for mining, combat and quests, but these are too common or accessible to put on the forum (in my opinion). Is there anything you as an user would like to see that currently is not already out there (Which does fit within the SDN rules)? I'm not looking for personal gains, i'm just looking for a fun idea to work out that benefits the community and allows me to further learn the API. Looking forward to the replies!
  6. Bot seems to get stuck right in the beginning, it just keeps talking to the Guide.
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