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Everything posted by communist1234

  1. Could I get a trial please? EDIT: NVM, just bought it instead.
  2. Interested in this. How does it get food for blackjacking?
  3. Could I get a trial? Thanks
  4. Yeah, I got the F6 safespot figured out. The only thing about Tzhaars is you need to constantly change safespots. Basically just to trap the Tzhaars on the other side of the heat vents. Because they're always moving, my "safespot" isn't always safe. I'm wondering if this is possible to do? Basically so that if you're attacked, run to the other side of the vent to trap them. Thanks for the reply.
  5. Ah OK, thanks. Working now. I'm wondering, how can I set up the safespot for Tzhaars? If I select one safespot, I'm often attacked and need to move to a new one. I'm wondering if that's currently possible with your script? Thanks.
  6. Just bought this! Struggling with safespotting at the Tzhaars. Is it even doable? It keeps clicking on my current tile and doesn't even attack.
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