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Everything posted by LiquidCarl

  1. It's all good! It happens. Speaking of though, how do you know one was issued, despite the fact me reporting that I was banned?
  2. Well, I got hit with a temporary ban. Over the course of a week and a few days, I used Perfect Thiever for maybe an hour (trial), probably less. I also used Perfect Pest Control for 2 hours (trial), and I lastly used Khal Tempoross for maybe 2 hours (which I bought fully). In total, I probably botted for 4-5 hours over the course of 7-9 days. I babysat my bot every time, I did quests in between (because I actually needed to), etc. Needless to say, these scripts I used came with raving reviews and insanely positive results. I likely just got unlucky, but just be weary. Alas, just as soon as it started, my botting adventure has come to an end. Good luck out there, they're watching.
  3. May I try before I buy?
  4. May I give this a shot? Thanks!
  5. May I have a trial, please? Thank you!
  6. Will this be updated for Daeyalt essence mine?
  7. Is this going to be updated for Daeyalt essence mine?
  8. Does this support the underground gem rocks at Shilo Village?
  9. May I have a trial, please? Thank you so much!
  10. Hi! Before I ask what I'll ask, I understand there's ALWAYS a risk of being banned using any bot. However, I'm getting back into OSRS and am wanting to get a crafting bot to make some money. I'm thinking about using this, for now, to just spin flax. What're the chances of being banned spinning flax? I assume high, since everyone bots that. On another note too, if all of this checks out, I'd like to request a trial if that's possible! Thank you for your time.
  11. I guess I've never gone that far into thought about it. You ask me that though in a way that I perceive it as an easy thing to do, but a hard thing to do right? Correct me if I'm wrong, because I really don't know.
  12. Hey everyone. It's been a LONG time since I've played OSRS and also since I've botted, since they go hand-in-hand. Heh. Anyways, I got back on two days ago. I rediscovered this website, downloaded the client, added some free scripts, and let my bot get to work. I ran one client here and one with PB (pwrbt). I was fishing training in barbarian village on one, and mining iron SE of Varrock on the other. I let both clients run for about 8-10 hours at a time, with a couple short 10-15 minute breaks in between. I did it again the second day, but changed the amount of time botted and on break. I went to get back on today, and both were permanently banned. I'm wondering if I was manually looked into, or if I just was botting in such heavily botted areas that it didn't matter, especially with the accounts being brand new. I was not using a VPN or a proxy. Now, my question to you guys is this: what could I do to better my chances next time? No hard feelings if anyone wants to call me an idiot, as I'm well aware I haven't a clue what I'm doing anymore. Back in the day, I used private scripts for everything. Every script was made for me, and me only (to my knowledge, per their business). Plus, my script creator was a close friend who sold premium scripts, but personally made me some for everything ranging from basic combat, to slayer, to questing, to just walking. Everything. I only ever got banned one time. I no longer have connections to these scripts anymore, or the person (sadly). I've looked into something called "ghost mouse"(?) that people have also suggested. I tried it out today, and I don't know if I did it wrong some how, but, it went completely sideways. I couldn't even get it to fill one inventory with ore before it lost its mind. Maybe I'm just ignorant on how to use this program, too. I'm just struggling because I used to have this all figured out, but, it seems that Jagex has finally stepped up their bot detection game and it's just not the same playing field it used to be anymore. Are the premium scripts here worth the purchase? Be honest. I don't want to shun anyone away from purchasing them if they're shoddy, but, I just am curious. What scripts do you guys use? Obviously free scripts seem like the way to not go, but hey, they're free. Any and all advice, criticism, constructive or not, is accepted. Thanks.
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