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Everything posted by Hunnies

  1. sucks dick bro, but unfortunately thats how the game works. If you got perma'd on an old acc with legit play time then you must have gotten a 2day ban prior. Also, i used a proxy on a legit acc i did from scratch (90's on cb stats, mory hard done) and got the banhammer after a few weeks. I suggest you use mirror mode
  2. I was on fixed, injection. I ended up having to delete a bunch of items from my bank to get it to work. The problem i think is that the "BREAK" timer is too short. @ProjectPact
  3. shit, yeah bro. love your hunter script but this def needs some tlc. [INFO][05/25 05:39:54 PM]: Loaded 1 RS accounts! [INFO][05/25 05:39:54 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.5.45! [INFO][05/25 05:39:57 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 180! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:57 PM]: Initializing stealth injection bot... [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:57 PM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client parameters... [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:58 PM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client... [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:59 PM]: Injected bot reference into client! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:59 PM]: Injected world accessors! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:59 PM]: Injected 37 class and 326 field accessors! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:59 PM]: Injected canvas! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:59 PM]: Injected 4 model update calls! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:59 PM]: Injected 8 definition calls! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:59 PM]: Injected 28 definition transformation calls! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:39:59 PM]: Injected random.dat patch for bot #1 [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:00 PM]: Injected 3 tooltip callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:00 PM]: Injected 4 config callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:00 PM]: Injected 16 head message callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:00 PM]: Injected 4 chatbox message callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:01 PM]: Injected 26 draw skip points! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:02 PM]: Injected 0 hit splat callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:02 PM]: Injected 3 equipment callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:02 PM]: Injected 1 login return code callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:02 PM]: Injected 8 analysis callbacks! [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:03 PM]: Loading RS world : 3192 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:03 PM]: Initializing 38 API modules... [INFO][05/25 05:40:03 PM]: Started bot #1 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:31 PM]: Loaded 1 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:39 PM]: The frame has been found! [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:43 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:40:43 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:07 PM]: [3] BREAKING [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:08 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:08 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:22 PM]: [3] BREAKING [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:23 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:23 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:30 PM]: [3] BREAKING [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:31 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:31 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:39 PM]: [3] BREAKING [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:40 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:40 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:55 PM]: [3] BREAKING [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:56 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:41:56 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:13 PM]: [3] BREAKING [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:14 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:14 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [WARN][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:22 PM]: Script executor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now... [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:22 PM]: Script Bank Organizer has paused! [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:24 PM]: The mouse did not hover Attack cape(t) successfully [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:24 PM]: [3] BREAKING [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:24 PM]: Script Bank Organizer has paused! [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:31 PM]: Script Bank Organizer has resumed! [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:31 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:31 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:31 PM]: Script Bank Organizer has resumed! [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:31 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:31 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:39 PM]: [3] BREAKING [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:39 PM]: [3] BREAKING [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:40 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:40 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:40 PM]: Arranging items [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:40 PM]: Moving Attack cape(t) to slot 11 [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:42 PM]: Terminating script Bank Organizer... [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:44 PM]: Finished! [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:44 PM]: Finished! [INFO][Bot #1][05/25 05:42:44 PM]: Script Bank Organizer has exited!
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