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Posts posted by asdttt

  1. 13 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    No, I have not denied anything.

    I am telling you that the only thing we can do is guess what the issues are.

    Can the flaws be looked at and the mouse movements be changed? Yes.

    Will these changes solve anything? I understand that you are claiming that it does and dude I am all for this. If it is possible to make an "undetectable bot" it would be incredible really, but, we don't know if the changes will solve anything. We are guessing and it is trial and error.

    Does it hurt to try? Absolutely not.

    I am not trying to say you haven't found anything. Just like you I am pointing out flaws in your analysis. The biggest flaw being your sample size.

    Like I suggested you can be far beyond 2-3 standard deviations and your sample potentially doesn't accurately represent the mean. I am not saying it doesn't.

    I certainly don't disagree with anything that you're doing here.

    What I do disagree with is

    • Calling out developers in a negative way
    • Calling out scripters in a negative way


    What I would like to see is you run hundreds or thousands of bots and then statistically analyze it and return with your findings because it is very possible that once you run it on a larger scale that you end up with the same ban rate as the regular mouse.




    How many bots do you think I've tested with...? 5...? No.. Well over a hundred. How many miner bots am I using right now? 3, simply because it uses lots of ram/cpu. Although when I'm not using my PC, about 10-13 max

    Let's move onto the actual subject, and then hopefully this argument will be over. I sampled the same data as Jagex, on the same interval. I found that not only is OSBot's mouse movement very robotic, but it also has constant flaws. I posted the sample comparing it to a humans mouse movement so everyone could see the major flaw. 

    Now onto my "sample size" of banrates after changing my mouse movement. Been running miner bots, each for 6  hours a day, each on it's own paid proxy IP, each at the same exact mine. How many bans have I gotten? 0. How much profit? Surprisingly not that much because iron is fucking worthless. 

    Minerbot results (Not including my other bots scripts): 

    Before implementing new mouse movement: 56/56 bans - Each bot lasting exactly 1 day

    After implementing new mouse movement: 0/12 bans (Only have 12 accounts because there's no need to make more)


    Now banrate samples ARE NOT to be taken as evidence, but rather reference. These can very easily be inaccurate for all I know. 

    What you CAN however take as factual evidence is the samples of OSBot's mouse movements. That's consistent, and you can see for yourself the output. 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Molly said:

    I'm not sure it's fair to say nobody knows how to fix this. A straightforward solution would be to record a couple thousand mouse paths of varying distances and base your script's mouse movements off these. Example: I need to move my mouse 70 pixels, I grab from my thousands of human mouse paths some that are around 70 pixels, say between 40-100. I grab one of those paths, add some noise to it and use that path to move the mouse.

    The downside to this is it requires a fair amount of work recording that many mouse paths and realistically is easier to do and probably better for not being "detected" if done by each scripter individually for their own scripts.

    It's not easy to code a mouse mover, but you'd only need to account for a few factors (If you want me to show proof, I'll DM you the code). 

    Factors are: Reaction time, reaction time variation, mouse speed, mouse speed variation, mouse step variation, deviation (Very important, mind you, the human wrist cannot easily move the mouse without deviation), noise, and OVER-move (When you move  your mouse, but accidentally go over a button and have to return to it). Edit2: (All of these should also be editable by scripters. A 12 year old would have different reaction time and mouse speed compared to a pro CS:GO player for instance)

    edit: Not denying your solution, that'd also work. Just adding on that you can make a realistic mouse mover with code

  3. 6 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    The only thing I am saying is that you like us are guessing.

    You don't know what is analyzed about the mouse although I agree it is sent and it is analyzed.

    Let me put this plain and simple for you.

    Is the mouse detected? Probably. (I wont say yes and I won't say no because I don't actually know for sure but it is more than likely that it is detected and analyzed)

    Do you know how to fix it? No,

    Do I know how to fix it? No.

    Do the developers know how to fix it? No.

    Do the employees at Jagex know how to fix the bot detection issues? Yes, because they are the only ones who know how it works and they are the only ones who know a workaround it.

    Now, unless Jagex's bot detection methods are leaked nobody knows how to fix anything.

    This is the only point I was trying to make to you. I am not denying any detection.

     If you would of read my post, you'd be fully aware that OSBot's mouse is flawed. Stop arguing and wasting my time. I've literally told you the same thing with different wording many times. Not only that, you've done NOTHING to test what I'm sampling, yet you are very quick to deny everything. Evidence for denying? None. 

    Can YOU, or anyone else detect OSBot based on mouse delta? YES. Look at my sample and tell me that looks human. Does Jagex detect this huge flaw? In my study, YES. Could they detect this huge flaw? YES, VERY VERY EASILY. Are you wasting my time? YESS!



    Do you know how to fix it? Yes

    Do I know how to fix it? I'd hope so

    Do the developers know how to fix it? Absolutely.. It's not that difficult. Patrick's a smart guy

  4. 3 minutes ago, Juggles said:

    You've posted a problem but I don't see any solution. I want to test your proposed solution myself and see if what you're saying is true. 

    But the only way to truly test your hypothesis is to run n=1000+

    500 with default and 500 with your proposed movements. Even 1000 bots might not be large enough of a sample size. 

    Solution is to implement better mouse movement that doesn't produce the same flaws (Although using OSBot's mouse + your own mover is fine too). I can't hand you all my own mouse mover or then I'd have to be worried about Jagex finding flaws in my own mouse mover and banning my ass. 

    Just take what I've said, and fix it yourself. You're all knowledgeable with Java, and all have scripting experience. And maybe hopefully they'll implement better/different mouse movement on OSBot and then we'll only have to worry about the other ban  checks. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Juggles said:

    There's already a mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); method on OSBot. I use it in all my scripts to act as if I am AFK watching Netflix

    Yup and like I said, it doesn't contain any flaws from my testing. That's why I recommended it from any other "randomization" from inside the Mouse API. Still though, they compare large/small/medium movements against different checks, so you still should probably include some small/medium randomization that doesn't include OSBot's API (Assuming you don't have an API method that doesn't produce the same "endpoint" flaw I've discussed).

    Even keeping the mouse perfectly still is better then moving it randomly around with OSBot's mouse API. 

    Just now, Malcolm said:


    I don't think you get it.

    You're analyzing the osbot mouse and telling the scripters that they make a shitty product and they should do all these things which I know you haven't mentioned it but I will for you, to make the bot undetectable.

    I'm not responding to you. You wont even bother reading anything I've said or testing yourself. Mouse is flawed, get over it :)

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    Ok I'll bite and go off the basis that mouse movement is sent and analyzed.

    Now you are left guessing how the mouse is analyzed, which aspect of the mouse is analyzed and you're playing cat and mouse on how to "fix it".

    Dude you literally called out a developer of osbot suggesting that his testing is outdated and flawed.

    You've also said that you have produced evidence of a fix where really you haven't because nobody knows what the problem really is except for the employees at Jagex.

    So unless you're actually Mod Weath you really don't know how to solve any sort of detection issues, you like us, are guessing.

    Why do you think they collect mouse data...? To waste their bandwidth for fun? This is really annoying me. Please stop being ignorant lol

    Which part of the mouse is analyzed? Huh? Did you not even read my post? Wtf? 

    Uh yeah do you know when the mouse movement was first introduced...? It's absolutely outdated and his tests were from like 2 years ago wtf? 

    Evidence? I'm not banned after changing my mouse movement. There you go..

    Here let me just go to jagex's datacenter and yoink one of their servers so we can view their exact code /s.

    Enough wasting my time. You're in denial, not my problem. OSBot's detected. Get over it. They can fix it and even the current developer admitted that the mouse is flawed. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Juggles said:

    So are you suggesting to add random mouse movements before/after interactions?





    Is this what you are proposing? 

    My point is, for instance, when you click a moss giant legit. What do you do? I personally move my mouse off screen and AFk kill the giant. Introduce human behavior into your scripts without accidentally creating a pattern (In terms of hard data)  is what I'm saying. 

    Not going to go into anymore detail because I've said more then enough. Mouse movement's detected, now it's everyone's jobs to adapt their scripts if they're being banned, to scew mouse data heuristics. Not my job to tell you how to do it

  8. 4 hours ago, Night said:

    How dare you suggest it's his testing method which is flawed?


    I provided the code.. It's super basic math grabbing the differences between mouse movement on a 50MS tickrate. Are you saying java's sqrt function is flawed? Yikes... 

  9. 1 hour ago, Malcolm said:

    Patrick is right.

    I probably didn't mention this here earlier but I have mentioned it in other posts.

    Nobody knows how Jagex detects bots except for the employees at Jagex.

    Everybody could debate over it but its all speculation of what actually factors into Jagex's bot detection system.

    What I am certain about is that Jagex would never make their detection methods accessible to the public, especially their code for it and that you'll never know how they detect bots unless you either:

    • Work at Jagex.
    • A Jagex employee tells you.

    Both of these are very unlikely scenarios so we are left here just guessing.

    Well let's start with, we know what jagex takes from the client, and we know what Jagex sends to the client. We know that mouse movement is sent, so why not fix this flawed mouse movement. We know that clicks are sent, so why not have human clicks (Which we do, thx OSBot). Yeah sure there's guessing into what they do with the data collected, but there isn't any guessing as to what data  they're collecting. And IMO that's more then enough. 

  10. Instead of assuming everything I'm saying is false, test for yourself I suppose. 

    Does OSBot produce consistent moue patterns? Yes

    Can you scew these mouse patterns using OSBot API? Yes, although I'd personally recommend you just make yourself your own random mouse mover which will hide the OSBot consistent flaws and use OSBot to still click entities. It doesn't need to be advanced, hell you could even record your own small movements and apply it. Maybe there's a mouse mover utility within OSBot that doesn't produce these same flaws that I missed? Moving the mouse outside the screen DOES NOT produce patterns. The best way to see whether you're being detected by mouse is to check yourself whether patterns are being consistently repeated.

    Does Jagex detect stealth injection? No (I scavenged through the entire RS sourcecode)

    Does Jagex have code that can detect OSBot? Yes, although the server would need to manually send a check-class packet on one of OSBot's classes loaded in the VM instance - which they don't appear to ever do. But they have the ability to, so keep that in mind.  Mirror mode, assuming it doesn't load any classes inside the RS VM would not be detectable by these means. Although I highly doubt they detect bots  through this, and if they do, it'd probably be incredibly rare in order to preserve this check otherwise it'd be easy as fuck to bypass it. https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/Client.java#L4315

    Are mouse clicks detected from OSBot? No, OSBot does a fantastic job with pretty much all button related actions. Here's proof they use mouse time/location and ship it to the server: https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/Client.java#L3371

    Is moving the screen detected from OSBot? No, OSBot once against does a fantastic job emulating a normal user by moving the screen with keys. 


    Just botted 15 hours of mining on a fresh level 3 straight through the night. 0 ban. Don't give up so easily and accept your fate of a daily, or weekly ban. It's not a lost fight, it's just the people bypassing want to continue to bypass so they tend to hide their bypass methods from the public lol. There's no single method in bypassing either, so don't assume messing with mouse movement will suddenly make you bypass. I personally recommend you record yourself playing for 20 minutes, then apply your own timings, AFK-ness, reaction time, and mouse pattern (such as moving the mouse outside the window, or randomly moving it around) to your script. 


    And keep in mind, none of this applies to manual bans. It's very possible a moderator will still find your botting ass and manual ban. How exactly they differ a normal player from a botting player is unknown. I doubt they just walk up to you and ask if your a bot, if no response, ban. That would be very unprofessional and would lead to the banning of foreign people who don't understand English lmao


    *Disclaimer: These are my own tested findings. Whether they're accurate or not is another story.

  11. 1 minute ago, IDontEB said:

    If I recall correctly, what you're looking at is Jagex's class checker. They are sent classes to check for from the server and reply back with having it or not. A friend of mine has logged a few of the classes they asked for and it seems to be classes related to the actual client, nothing external.

    Yeah it's the class checker. But it could also potentially be used to detect clients - although that's a pretty big stretch. I just thought it was odd, but now that I think about it, that's a good way to detect whether a client's oudated, or incompatible. 

    Thanks for the info

  12. 24 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    Did you really read through all of their code?

    Also, do you really think Jagex would make their bot detection methods accessible to the public?

    btw, this is what you had said in your OP on the other post.



    Didn't say anything about if these scripts had human like movements or these scripts do whatever feature you think will help. Just flat out said they were all shit. Talk about an attack :doge:

    I mean Jagex used to detect bots very efficiently (for awhile until workarounds) using client based checks, so I wouldn't put it past them. This is the same company that managed to fuck up deadman mode and killed everyone. I mean the bot "nuke" was pretty much just them tricking us into using functions that would flag us. And like I've said probably a hundred times now, and I'm sure you have too; there's no single detection method. It's made up of who the hell knows how many detection methods.  This is what makes it even more difficult to pinpoint exactly how they detect us, because we're not all being detected by the same means. 

    Who knows, maybe Jagex only executes client related checks if you actively collect resources for over X hours. They too know that a bypass will soon come, and they have done as much as possible to delay it. Maybe I haven't bypassed at all. Maybe I'm just on a larger banwave to give me the illusion that I'm coming closer to cracking the anti-cheat. Maybe they're just waiting for me to bot an excesses amount of time? 

    And yeah you make a valid point, I did pretty much call everyone's scripts shitty. I didn't really mean EVERYONE as in literally everyone, just public scripts and the paid one I tried. So you got me there, and for that I apologize. But to be fair, there's a lot of shitty scripts here 


    Edit: Man this class info collector/sender is really bothering me.. They literally don't use ANY of the code collected. The only use for this I can forsee is debugging.. 

    Like check this out: https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/Client.java#L4390

    Why do they need to check if the class could be found, and do absolutely nothing with it other then return whether it was successful + the data ONLY to the server...................? It has to be for debugging, or detection.. How else could this be explained wtf?

  13. 23 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    They cannot detect what client you are using. They can tell that you are not using an official OSRS client. As far as I'm aware that's how that goes.

    I don't really feel like I'm attacking you and that is certainly not what I am trying to do however I was a little sarcastic I'll admit.

    If you want to get into attacks you can try and recall this. It was a little funny but you essentially attacked every scripter here by calling their scripts shitty.



    There are soo many factors that go into Jagex's bot detection and we certainly don't know how they really do it.

    @Patrick already admitted to you that he believes mouse movements are detected.

    He also said its a small part of the system which I 100% agree with him on.


    This isn't like using the API and using the built in mouse is praying for a conviction. Bot smart. Don't bot for 16 hours a day.

    If I want to keep an account I have no problem with botting that account and not getting it banned.




    I mean that "attack" I said was very true...? If your script is basic as hell and does nothing to seem human, it's shit. As easy as that. 


    Anyways, I just noticed something strange inside RS's code. Mind you, it's obfuscated so I really haven't fully drawn out what exactly this does, but here it is:

    Weird right? Maybe I'm mistaking it with some dynamic classloader, but from what I believe I'm looking at is a means to load a class and read some details about it. Could they possibly be using this to figure out overridden classes? Or checking to see if certain things exist that shouldn't? 

    Then they add these details to a list: https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/Client.java#L4418

    Then here they are encoding that same object into their packet buffer: https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/class21.java#L59

    Then they ship it? https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/Client.java#L3273


    That's really odd, although maybe it has something todo with actual ingame mechanics and I just misinterpreted it. 

  14. 14 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    At what point in time did I deny any sort of detection claims? I didn't. So clearly I don't need to seek help :doge:

    If I recall correctly @Alek had mentioned something about the client itself being detectable although I cannot find the exact post for it.

    It's been known for quite some time that the injection client is detectable which goes far beyond the mouse.

    My point is that the mouse is a fraction of the bigger picture.

    Look man. If you don't believe anything I'm saying about bypassing, then just leave the topic. All your doing is attacking me with assumptions, which I understand, i too would be suspicious of someone who claims to have magically bypassed bans by simply using alternative mouse movement. I don't blame you. 

    And I understand your point that mouse movement isn't the biggest factor, nowhere did I claim it is actually. For me, it made the difference between bot freedom and daily bans, but maybe I'm just a lying cunt wasting everyone's time. I get it. 

    But here I've served you proof of this flawed mouse movement that is absolutely picked up by heuristics. Now you can know for certainty that they have one solid link to detect OSBot, and now the dev's will be able to target it and hopefully fix it (I actually provided a possible solution, but whether or not he think's it'll work out for OSBot is another story). 


    Imho, injection client isn't detected as a bot. Jagex has said themselves using third party clients is perfectly fine, wont lead to a ban, and their code shows no sign of code that would be used to detect whether a user is using a properly created bot client,  nor do they have any streamlined classloading that could inject such a thing during runtime. Now, do they detect whether you're using an unofficial client? Possibly?

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Protoprize said:

    Do we forget to hover over WC?


    On a serious note, osbot is fine as is. I'm gonna be honest and just say it. I broke the one rule everyone says not to. I bot my main.... and I started 2 months ago with no ban still because I'm botting smart ?‍♂️.

    Of course, in the end, changing osbot's mouse api would change the ban rates of using the client. But right now, that is a small priority, mostly due to the fact that Jagex is making their bot detection methods more and more obvious (and osbot needs to adapt to them first and foremost). The mouse is not the reason why people get banned. 

    The reason for getting banned is sometimes just luck, but most of the time, it's stupidity. If you bot smart and not hard, you won't have issues.

    There's no single reason why we're being banned. It's not as easy as that. 

    This mouse movement is clearly one of many of these detection methods though.. As you can clearly see, it's very different then human mouse movement. It's very close to being there though. 

  16. 37 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    Can we be real here for a minute?

    We are talking about a bot...a macro to do an automated repetitive task.

    The developers do a fantastic job of supplying us with the tools that we need to give customers a product.

    I can also tell you that I have success with only using the OSBOT API.

    I do have some methods to do some things differently but for the most part the API is very good at what it does.


    There is no reason to bash the API or bash the mouse movements. The days where we could bot for weeks without a ban are gone. Jagex have adapted and their methods of detection are actually decent.

    Can you beat it? Who knows.

    Odds are if you bot for 16hrs/day with your own personal API and mouse you're still going to get banned eventually.

    Who knows, maybe Jagex figured out that you've done something unique and are just gathering information on your new advanced API and mouse movements :doge:


    "We are talking about a bot...a macro to do an automated repetitive task." - Yeah "repetitive task". You mean the very task required for literally any skill on OSRS? You think mining iron, banking, mining iron, banking without botting isn't repetitive....? What's your arugment lmao

    I think you're completely misunderstanding me and instead think I'm attacking OSBot... I'm not, I'm actually trying to improve OSBot. If I was bashing it, I sure as hell wouldn't still be using it as there are many alternatives. 

    What I said and provided is undenyable proof. If you honestly believe that the samples created from using OSBot's mouse isn't very easy to detect then you're delusional and need to seek help. 

    It's not about being advanced.. The current movement is advanced, and even has deviation in it's mouse movement.. However, the developers who made it probably were more focused on making it LOOK human, rather then trying to see if they themselves could pickup on the pattern. 

    So why make this post? To bring attention to this issue... As simple as that. I've provided more then enough evidence/samples that Patrick should be able to make the necessary changes within OSBot to reduce, or remove this highly flawed mouse movement. 

    Why did I "bash" on using 100% of OSBots API? Well for starters, I wasn't TRYING to, I was simply providing that I myself now suddenly bypass after changing the mouse moving functionality... It was an example to further my claim, which IMO, it has. 

    • Like 5
  17. 19 minutes ago, Tesh said:

    The fact of the matter is, all bots become detected at some point and there is no way of counteracting that. The way I look at it is, you're going to get banned eventually, so only use accounts you're willing to lose.

    This is true, but as RS's history goes, there is always a way around it. Yeah, they can patch it, but that patch is a small piece of tape on a massive industry. It also generally takes multiple months to years for them to fix too which is more then enough time to make a lot of $$. 

  18. 34 minutes ago, Patrick said:

    Not only did I already tell you I believe mouse movement can be used for detection - all be it only a very small part of the system -, I also told you it's something we're interested in changing and are discussing. From months of testing I can confirm that you can bot without getting banned when botting 4+ hours almost everyday, when only using the OSBot API.

    You said, and I quote, "I would have to discuss with the others about changing the mouse movement". You never confirmed whether the mouse movement would be improved..? I figured you and the other devs simply came to the conclusion that the mouse movement was fine, because.. What else was I suppose to believe...?

    Maybe your testing is outdated. I couldn't find a single miner bot on this entire form, paid or free, that bypassed 3 hours of mining. I had to make my own script to bypass, and only until I stopped using some of OSBot's API was I able to successfully bypass and still to this day I've yet to be banned. Even agility training is bypassing now, which is a very high banrate due to the amount of mouse movement required in most courses. It's got a lot of human-like behavior too like not being consistent, taking tiny breaks - like emulating a human moving the mouse off screen to click something in another window, ect.

    And yeah, it doesn't account for the majority of their detection's, but it still can and will lead to a ban - which in my case, was the only reason I was actually being banned. 

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, THS said:

    I'm willing to entertain this and I don't even know what I'm looking at.

    Any script kiddies wanna give me the juice? :doge:

    Tl;Dr: OSBot's API to move the mouse is very flawed, and the appearance of it looking human is only an illusion. Even moving the mouse randomly would produce the same flaws. Only thing that doesn't appear to have flaws is moving the mouse outside the screen. 

    • Like 1
  20. Here's a utility to sample mouse deltas:

    public class MouseDebugger {
        private int tick = 0;
        private int lastMouseX = 0;
        private int lastMouseY = 0;
        private boolean endedMovement = true;
        private int noMoveTicks = 0;
        private Script script;
        public MouseDebugger(Script script) {
            this.script = script;
        //Run this on a 50MS tick, or whatever you want to sample on
        public void tick() {
            final Point mosePosition = script.mouse.getPosition();
            if (lastMouseX != mosePosition.getX() || lastMouseY != mosePosition.getY()) {
                double actualDistance = Math.sqrt((lastMouseY - mosePosition.getY()) * (lastMouseY - mosePosition.getY())
                        + (lastMouseX - mosePosition.getX()) * (lastMouseX - mosePosition.getX()));
                if (actualDistance > 0 && actualDistance != Double.NaN) {
                    script.log("Delta: " + actualDistance + " Tick: " + tick);
                endedMovement = false;
                noMoveTicks = 0;
            } else {
                //Change according to how long you pause until making another mouse movement
                if (noMoveTicks >= 6) {
                    if (!endedMovement)
                        script.log("--Mouse movement ended");
                    endedMovement = true;
            lastMouseX = (int) mosePosition.getX();
            lastMouseY = (int) mosePosition.getY();
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