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Posts posted by TR33

  1. I can only seem to run osbot for 5 or so hours before it crashes my vps. The vps has a pretty good cpu though, 2gb of RAM and can handle a different client for 16+ hours. How would I go about decreasing the cpu usage? I'm using a premium script (DreamMiner), so it's not because of some poorly written free script.

  2. Just do whatever exercise is fun and gratifying to you. Sure if you're just starting out exercise might seem gruelling, but if after some time you aren't looking forward to your workout you are doing something wrong. Just keep a clear and open mind OP while you go through this and don't be afraid to stop partway through to go explore another form of exercise that may be calling to you. Trying to slave through something you begin to hate is a surefire way to turn you against exercise and return you to a sedentary lifestyle. Not trying to discourage you, I've just seen a handful of guys either get so fed up with some large goal that they quit altogether or grind out their fitness goal just to stop exercising for a long period of time because their past experience wasn't enjoyable.


    Have fun biggrin.png

  3. Killing innocent civilians is wrong.  What if they're not supportive or even against the war that is being fought?  What if they had no say in their country's entrance into the war?   Why should we be taking innocent lives away from people who deserve to live a full life?  Its just plain wrong.

    You can't pass a survey around the factory asking who loves and supports our country before you bomb them.

  4. Unfortunately the people calling the shots such as politicians are the ones committing these crimes, as a soldier you are conditioned to obey commands. You are brainwashed to be the killing machine that the state wants. If you refuse to do as told you will be a traitor some people who join the forces really don't understand what they are getting themselves into until its too late. Soldiers and civilians are pawns and nations leaders who sit back and do nothing but call the shots are the kings.

    Completely agree. I personally see a lot of people my age joining the military right after High School that have no business getting into something so gruesome. Literally every one of the people I talked to used the free college deal as a reason for giving 8 years of their life to that organization. It's like they view it as a regular occupation.

  5. Yes the East is relevant, look at the title of your thread. How can you honestly say that killing children for example to stop them being recruited 20 years later is justifiable? What about a blockade to squeeze an army whilst the rest of the population die in agony from starvation? Fine in your mind it seems, it's so sad because you seem to treat human life like a game of battleships.

    Innocent is anyone that doesn't want to be in a war yet have no choice in it, which is the vast majority. Whether they work in a shoe factory that supply's boots to the army or not, they're still innocent.

    So the guy shooting at me that doesn't want to be there but has no choice is somehow a civilian? Also the guy flying the troop transport plane right over my head that's about to deliver troops that will try to kill me is a civilian that shouldn't be shot down?


    War isn't pretty my friend. People die. A soldier is no different than any other person that works a 9-5. A lot, if not the majority, of people in the military are there because it's a good job as @Asap Ferg will do or because they were forced to by the state (think draft). War IS a game of battleships with human life. The generals deploying thousands to an area isn't thinking about each soldiers wants, desires, and dreams. No, he is thinking I need to have 1000 killing machines in this area in order to accomplish this goal. He knows some or even many will die, but that's what war is. Time to wake up from your little fairy tale.

  6. Sorry OP but what you're saying is absolutely insane, to think in any way killing innocent human beings is acceptable is quite frankly disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to justify such a thing.

    99% of people don't want war as no one wins, remember the easiest way to create a 'terrorist' (aka enemy) is to kill his father, his sons and take away everything he once knew until he gives no fucks.

    It's all fine sitting on our sofas 5,000 miles away from real conflict speculating about killing civilians, but please take a walk in a Palestinians shoes and watch the world around you crumble, watch your friends and family being slaughtered then come back and ask the same question.

    Two things:


    1) As I've said, the current affairs in the East are not relevant. They are killing civilians for no good reason. That's just mindless killing over there which I am strongly against.


    2) What's an innocent civilian? It's nice to throw that word around and to say you can't kill them to make you feel all good inside for being a moral person, but what does that really mean? I think you'll find civilians aren't as innocent as you make them out to be in a time of war when you look deeper into it. This isn't a hypothetical question by the way. I really would love an answer because for me it's hard to think of one while still maintaining the innocent disconnected sense of the word that's often associated with it.

  7. It's the price I pay for a head start on life. Canada hasn't invaded or been invaded in a very long time, and I doubt the Canadian government has intentions on going to war.

    So by your own words, you are willing to commit murder to get a head start in life? Some how I'm the disgusting one for wanting to end a war as fast as possible but it's ok to murder others to get a free education and some money? Remember you won't have a choice as to where you go or who you kill. And if you throw a grenade into a building that you were told had a soldier in it but ended up to be a scared family, at least you get to go home with a nice wad of cash. Just the price you have to pay right? Not your fault, you weren't even expecting to have to go to war just because you joined a nation's military.

  8. Stupidest thing I have ever heard.



    I believe it depends on the circumstances. Like in WWII we would do bombing rungs and shoot into bomb factories. These people were "civilians" that were working with the enemy (referring to the Allied Powers against Axis). These shootings and bombing killed the people working there, but it stopped the production of weapons and munitions that were going to be used against our own forces.


    The term "civilian" is overused in modern society. If your nation occupies an area and the occupants want you out, they are not civilians, they are combatants imo.



    I'd be interested to hear what the term civilian is in a time of war from a person that is against it. Is the pilot delivering troops to the battlefield a civilian? He isn't killing people, yet he is delivering a resource to the military.

    • Like 1
  9. Yes I agree they would be likely to do a draft, but from what I am aware there was a world population of less than 2.5 billion in 1938. Today there is over 7.2 billion. This could obviously mean each country has more people meaning there would just be bigger forces; or it could mean there may not necessarily be a draft.


    There was a population of around 5 billion people in 2000, that means that in 62 years there was a growth in population by 2.5 billion, so in 14 years  we have nearly accomplished that. If we carry on there will not be enough room. This is precisely why I think our leaders are stupid enough to start another war. There are simply to many people.

    Also why I think there is an increased prevalence in these mass killings. Look at any other species when it gets too overcrowded, they start killing one another.


    But now we are off topic.

    • Like 1
  10. That is a horrible thing. Simply put, it's disgusting you would think killing innocent civilians is a method of war.


    Is it your choice to where your tax money goes? Can you control your government's actions?

    How would you feel if Iraq and Afghanistan invaded your home country & killed you family because their tax dollars support your government.


    War is a dirty thing, shit happens. But when something along the lines of what you're talking about occurs, it's considered a war crime.

    War isn't about if I'm gonna get my feelings hurt.


    And the killing of civilians has happened in literally every single war ever.

    The reason I'm joining the canadian military is not to become a killer and be able to literally get away with murder, It's because the military will pay for my college education, to the college of my choice. 

    When I'm done with the military at 24, have no debt, a college diploma, military work experience, and $150000 to my name with benefits. I'll be glad I joined the military.

    And if Canada goes to war in that time? You will be killing others that are possibly joining the military for the same reason.

  11. The first thing U.S. do when they occupate a country is take mass media to control and start transferring propaganda.

    As does every other nation that takes over an area. Ever hear of the people in and around Germany that were jealous of the Jews awesome camps?


    You're not gonna take some land over and tell the people there "we are the enemies, try to kill us".

  12. I hate how the U.S glories its army and looks for ways for youth to join it. They offer so much benefits and say stuff like your not going to be actually fighting in the battlefield but instead youll just be blindly helping the U.S murder more innocent people for their own private agenda. What does the army do expect make profit for private corporations and turn a man into a killer

    Possibly defends it's nation for one. Provide security for other nations is another.


    The military isn't evil. I agree that what we are doing in the middle east is as you described and we shouldn't be there, but military in general? No.

  13. I see where you are coming from with this and you make some very valid points. The only thing I would say is that soldiers are the ones who are supposed to be doing the fighting that's why they sign up to the forces. If you are bombing cities you will be killing innocent women (I understand some women would work in factories and i will get on to that point) and children who contribute nothing towards the actual war itself even if they are paying taxes and so forth. Therefore I do not think they can in any way be perceived as part of the war.


    Factories yes I agree to truly crumble a nation and win a war you must cut off supplies. Although it may seem quite barbaric to do so and what many people would consider innocent people would be killed, these people in their own way are a huge part of the war. If you truly want to win a war you are right when you say you must target the backbone and that would be to put a cease to moral within the country in question, however I myself do not think I could drop a bomb on an enemy nation knowing full well I would be killing women and children. Factories and plants yes, targeting cities in order to kill civilians no. I personally think that if they are civilians although they will of course be supporting their country in the effort they should not be dragged into it.


    War is something everybody has different views on but if there was to be another world war then nuclear warheads would come into the equation and I feel like there could be no real winner in that situation.

    I agree with everything other than the signing up for the forces. Sure now we can just sign up, but before there was the draft. And if there was another large scale war I'm sure it'd be back again.


    And I think hope that our current world leaders are smart enough to not use such a devastating weapon. The problem would be when you get those maniac suicidal leaders that wants death to everything moving. 

    I think the question is why do you starting a war? Usually, wars have target to occupy enemy's oilfields, or other resource source. Or to make people slaves and get them working on you. Those targets does'nt justify destroying factories, infrastructure etc. And, of course, does'nt legitimate killing civilians. There are no legitimate wars in the world.

    I agree with that mostly. But what about the country defending themself from this tyrannical nation? They definitely have a reason to be killing the enemy and in whatever means would lead to the swiftest victory.

  14. If you want to kill civilians, then you want to destroy towns. This comes together. Also, you want to kill captives. If you think that killing civilians is good because they could'nt supply enemy army, then killing captives is also good - you can use them, but in the end - kill.

    If they are captive then the only way they're going back to the enemy military is if you release them. You can hold on to them until the end of the war. Or trade for your own POW's.


    I see where you're coming from...


    However, in my opinion, it is a corrupted way of thinking. Like you said, most of those civilians have no choice , so it shouldn't be okay to punish them. I would agree that attacking a country's supply units, factories, etc is okay as they have direct impact on war efforts. 

    But most of the people in the military also don't have a choice. Hence the draft. It's just what tool are you to the state? One that physically deals death or rather supplies the means to deal death. And yeah, the thing with factories and such is that there will be people in there working while you destroy it. No way around that.

  15. I think that almost any war leads to decreasing of standing of living, to both sides of war. Just imagine, where we could be now, if there were no first world war and second world war. Even USA and England didnt get their life level better from those wars, they just lowered life level of other world, so they can say "we live better".

    Actually WW2 brought America out of the Great Depression. You also wouldn't be able to be communicating with me right now without these wars.

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