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  1. Honestly, thank YOU. Thank you for being active within the community and recieving player feedback within consideration.
  2. I also wanted to suggest something for range training. Maybe I am doing something wrong or maybe the feature actually isn't implemented. I notice that when i train range and i select the option to "loot arrows" my character will go after every arrow that is dropped immediately after it is being shot, causign it to leave the safe zone and take damage. Is it possible to make the character finish its target first before going to loot arrows? The reason i ask this is because since my character is running after every arrow after it is fired it defeats the point of having a safe zone tile selected. Please let me know if this feature is possible or if i have just been using this script the wrong way this whole time. Edit: I also wanted to add that sometimes when the bot is navigating the strongold doors it will often times lower the camera to the lowest point and this causes it to keep clicking the same door after it answers the question correctly. This then makes the bot just teleport forward and backwards. The bot is then stuck and if left unattended will look suspicious and increase the chances of being banned.
  3. Not sure if this has been answered or not but what exactly is "Enable Deathwalk Mode" under the armour options? I looked on the first page of this forum post but i didnt see the answer there.
  4. I realized what the issue was, based on what I saw on another post on this forum. The client MUST be in normal mode. No Full screen, no screen resize otherwise nothing will work. after making those changes everything works fine.
  5. Good afternoon Czar, I purchased your script to test it out and after i set up all the options, what skills to train and to what level, when to bank, where to to fight in the stronghold, when to stop, the account does nothing. My character does not move and the script does nothing. I have relogged, i have closed out the OSBot client. I have restarted the script and watch it auto login and clear out the welcome screen but again, after i set up all the appropriate options it does nothing. Have i missed a step or is there a deeper issue?
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