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  1. Hey guys I just wrote my first script, it's a very simple script for anglerfish on my main. I'd appreciate any feedback! public final class Angler extends Script { private final MouseTrail trail = new MouseTrail(0, 255, 255, 2000, this); private final MouseCursor cursor = new MouseCursor(52, 4, Color.white, this); private final Area fishingArea = new Area(1819,3765, 1840, 3780); @Override public final int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if(!doingSomething()) { if(inventoryFull()) { if(Banks.PISCARILIUS_HOUSE.contains(myPosition())) { bank(); } else { getWalking().webWalk(Banks.PISCARILIUS_HOUSE); } } else { if(hasCorrectEquipment()) { if(fishingArea.contains(myPosition())) { fish(); } else { getWalking().webWalk(fishingArea); } } else { throw new InterruptedException("Please retry with bait and rod in inventory."); //Better exception? } } } return random(250,600); } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { trail.paint(g); cursor.paint(g); } private void bank() throws InterruptedException { Bank bank = getBank(); if (bank != null && bank.open()) { bank.depositAll("Raw anglerfish"); if(getInventory().contains("Open fish barrel")) { getInventory().getItem("Open fish barrel").interact("Empty"); } bank.close(); } } private void fish() { Entity fishingSpot = getNpcs().singleFilter(getNpcs().getAll(), e -> e.getName().startsWith("Rod")); if (fishingSpot != null) { fishingSpot.interact("Bait"); } } private boolean doingSomething() { return myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isMoving(); } private boolean inventoryFull() { return getInventory().getEmptySlots() == 0; } private boolean hasCorrectEquipment() { return getInventory().contains("Sandworms") && getInventory().contains("Fishing rod"); } } I did have a couple of basic questions as well if you still have time after reviewing the code. Why is anglerfish spot an NPC? What is more 'human-like', always interacting with the closest fishing spot? Or doing what I did in fish() and just getting one that matches? What exception to throw when user starts without correct inventory? Cleaner onLoop() implementation ideas? This bot is very simple but I already hate the amount of if..else... nested everywhere, Maybe a list of objects with "shouldRun()" and "run()"?
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