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Miss Ithwolf

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  1. That’s a built-in affix Jagex got that monitors any accounts playstyle compared to a third-party software. It will track and trace every move you take and it will highly “hawk” you even more when it notice that you are doing the same thing over and over again. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
  2. It seems to have been fixed by some updates on my computer- Problem is solved, thanks alot anyway!
  3. Hello. I have some issues with my ingame play. I am using a Macbook Air and when I use OSBot ingame I get alot of FPS lagging or what to call it. In regular RS client it is not this problem. What did I do wrong or is there anything I can change? I tried to use the "low cpu" option but it didn't help. Appreciate any sort of help, thanks!
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