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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. v1.34 - Fixed a bug that would cause the bot to get stuck in a loop of withdrawing/depositing items when gearing up for Iron Dragons
  2. For the most part Nieve is done. It is still in beta though. I have linked an image with all of the supported monsters. Anything that isn't red/boss should work, report any bugs if they are not working. The issue with Rune/Addy dragons is that they require DS2 to do the task and our account doesn't have that done. So as long as you're not done that quest you shouldn't get those assigned to you. https://gyazo.com/0c6ab471358607e6bfb5058b5657e63f
  3. Check the plugins section of the script selector. should show up there
  4. Just gave you guys both trials! Enjoy
  5. When did you get a trial and why was it broken? I'll look through my auths and see if I was the one who gave the trial.
  6. We are behind on the update logs on the forums. The discord has up to date update logs. Just gave you guys both trials! Enjoy
  7. It should be working properly
  8. Just gave you a trial! Enjoy
  9. So it occasionally happens and it doesn't type the name or anything? Just sits there once you start the script and does nothing?
  10. iirc you run from CLI right @jeiser1997? idk about @Kramnik but I can't replicate the issue at all. I'm also having technical issues with my CLI atm, I've reported my issue so hopefully once that is resolved I can get this figured out. https://gyazo.com/d3e016ec9b068f576c8081f95ee7b27d When CLI doesn't launch
  11. @Kramnik and @jeiser1997 is this box appearing right away when your account starts tutorial island? https://gyazo.com/25a785d059a96bcbe6b9954ffb53a4ce
  12. You can launch more accounts in a shorter time period (more efficient in short) I haven't implemented this kind of feature yet. It is in the plans though.
  13. @Kramnik I’ll try and track down the issue. Could you possibly send me a short video over discord of say the first 15-20 seconds of the bot starting up? Not too sure what’s actually going on with it. Does the box for the bot to type the name in come up right away?
  14. @Kramnik I am not having any issues creating a name, that is where you say the issue is correct?
  15. @Kramnik i had thought I had fixed this in the previous update but perhaps not. i will take a look at this again when I get home.
  16. To be honest I'm not 100% sure. I won't guarantee that you won't get banned but personally I'd be very surprised if you did get banned by using a plugin.
  17. V1.22 - Fixed bug due to Jagex game update that caused the bot to not be able to select a username.
  18. Just gave you a 24hr trial! Not hard to set up at all! Just follow the instructions on the thread and you should be good to go. Very straight forward.
  19. @blackmacaque This error is not script related it is client related. Place your osbot.jar on the desktop and this should solve the issue. The bug is a known bug. @jeiser1997 Thanks for the report. I am away for today but I will take a look at it over the weekend.
  20. You first need to buy the script and then when you launch the client in your script selector you need to go to the plugin tab and it should be there. Done! Enjoy
  21. Check the logger and post it please. Soon. There is a bit to do for it. I didn't think it was that much but I have to have the bot save a pin and everything
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