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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. The bot could potentially get stuck in dialogue. We haven't had the time to test and figure out what happens when we get assigned a task that is not supported. I will link the list of tasks that are not supported. Mostly they are the tasks that require MM2. Red is not supported. The rest should work as intended. If you find a bug don't hesitate to report it
  2. If you join the Ultimate Scripts discord you can request a trial from the discord bot there
  3. Sorry for the late response! I wasn't following my own thread. If you adjust mirror modes reaction time to 50ms you can try that. If it is still an issue I will take a look at rewriting the methods to better suit mirror mode users.
  4. Yeah I may have messed up my sleep condition. I’ll take a look at it
  5. V1.32 - Added checks to avoid ArrayOutOfBounds error due to whitespaces.
  6. Yes, remove the empty lines and you should be fine. I'm fixing that so it doesn't occur to other users.
  7. I'm not having the issue. How is the information formatted in your file and how are you entering the GUI exactly? This is what I'm doing. And my accounts are formatted LOGIN:PASSWORD If you do maybe remove any white spaces you may have in your txt file. This may be an issue also. @Kramnik can confirm I just tried to make an account with white spaces in it and it threw the error you were getting. I'll patch that
  8. OH I thought you were including usernames. At what point is it throwing that error? At the beginning of the script or the end when it tries to log into a new account?
  9. Are you entering usernames on all of the accounts in that txt file? If you dont it will throw that.
  10. I'll look at it right now. It's V1.31 correct? @Kramnik sorry this may have been a bit confusing. The name of the file itself does not need the txt in it, but when you enter the file in the script you need to put the file type in it. So if you name your file "accounts" you should enter "accounts.txt" in the GUI. Just noticed this.
  11. V1.31 - Added option for users to select their own username VIA the loaded file. Made a check for names being available/taken and will select one of the alternative usernames if one is not available.
  12. Yup. I'd just have another checkbox if you're selecting your usernames with the accounts. Completely optional
  13. This is actually something I could easily implement actually and if the username is already taken I'll have it select one of the suggested names.
  14. I’ll take a look at this and see if I can recreate the issue. I did change the name check so perhaps wait for v1.30 and see if that already solves the issue.
  15. Pushed an update to V1.30 Added a feature to type in your own account file instead of only being able to use one file - To use this you have to type in the file name (only use one file per client) Added a status that will be displayed.
  16. It was requested by enough people that I figured I'd just go ahead and implement it. No problem man! Glad you're happy with it
  17. @run escapes did you not finish tut island on the first account by chance? I have an idea why it would happen because the script resets all of its info on config 1000 so if you didnt complete tut island for whatever reason or config 1000 was never reached then yeah it would break the script that way. I'll see if I can do this a little better to avoid that potential bug.
  18. I'll run it and take a look and see if I can find the issue
  19. Thanks for the feedback. I'll take a look at it I also pushed another update V1.29 You guys will have the ability to load a txt file of accounts so the bot will complete tutorial island on all of the accounts on the list. Instructions on how to name the file, where to put the file and how to format the account info is in the original post.
  20. Want to purchase? Click here! Features: Dynamic user selection. Gets items from GE if you do not have the items. "Ironman mode" allows the bot to do the tasks which you have the items for Uses the most efficient order of task completion Currently only supports completion of the Easy Diaries. To donate: https://ultimatescripts.xyz/donate/ Now released on SDN!
  21. V1.28 Bot will now create random character looks. Bot will enable fixed screen size Bot will disable all audio. Included a check to make sure we don't have items selected when opening the gate
  22. If you join the Ultimate Scripts discord you can request a trial from the bot there! That way you can get the maximum time out of your trial!
  23. iirc you have to cancel it through PayPal just like you do with VIP. I could be wrong, maybe @Token or @Maldesto can confirm this for me.
  24. sorry man, the giveaway is over, i'll edit the post
  25. The winner is @Easy Money DM me your discord on forums here so I know that it is your discord and we will arrange the trade. Congrats!
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