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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. Just activated all 3 of your trials. Enjoy I’d only suggest just the basic combat skills tbh, you can even start with 1 slayer. If you don’t have a quest requirement then the master won’t assign you the task so you should be fine for that.
  2. Just gave you both 24hrs. Enjoy
  3. Want to purchase? Click here! Features: Dynamic user selection. Gets items from GE if you do not have the items. "Ironman mode" allows the bot to do the tasks which you have the items for Uses the most efficient order of task completion Currently only supports completion of the Easy Diaries. To donate: https://ultimatescripts.xyz/donate/ Now released on SDN!
  4. @Gunman I'll look into this. This isn't the one I wasn't sure about.
  5. @daddybigspec what config did this happen at?
  6. @heavy_rope not at the moment no.
  7. It just tried to activate the special attack while standing at the GE?
  8. Generally the webwalker looks at the quests to determine what links it can/cant use. It's normal. After the check the bot should begin to walk to its destination.
  9. Not at the moment. I'll take a look at that. Thanks for the report.
  10. Will add this to the todo list. I have a few changes I want to make to this plugin too.
  11. Just gave you all 24hr trials! Enjoy
  12. Now I have to go look in my pms again
  13. Good effort I consider this mild flaming dipshit
  14. Just because @Naked doesn't have status updates on his profile I'm going to leave a public one right here. @Naked you're dumb.
  15. What exactly are you having issues with? I did just push an update to address a couple things. V1.26 will be the most recent.
  16. V1.26 - Fixed issue where the bot would try and open the door towards the chef when the door wasn't visible. Fixed issue where the bot would try and open the gate leaving the rat pit when the gate wasn't visible.
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