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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. @jesenican I can see that the service has not been completed by looking up the account on the high scores. You also stated that you logged in to see that the account is banned. So did you log into the account before the service was completed? Also, because the service has not been completed and it's clear that @abelytoox would be aware of this, was there a conversation about the ban between you two?
  2. @jesenican fact is, we cannot prove who botted the account. You have post history stating you did 200M crafting xp on an account using a mouse recorder which is still botting. Additionally, the ban for RWT can be a ban for having services done. It's impossible for us to know what caused that ban. If the account is locked, you may be able to ask the OO if you purchased this account to recover it for you. If not, then it's unfortunate but the risk you assumed when paying for a service.
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