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About IHRTCorsair

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    United States
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    Video games mainly OSRS........ Pc Hardware/Building Gaming Rigs....... Audiophile/Hi-Fi/Stereo Equipment/Music.

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  1. if anyone has a RC script or a script to mule essence and wants to use my 91 acc as the master roll i will craft all the rune your alts trade and let u keep 100% of profits.
  2. Compensated @myOSBaccount 20Mil For the inconvenience and 3mil for price of bond. so 23Mil paid. done. Thank you.
  3. 1st one i dont know forsure tho i can speculate didnt straight bot it so was genuinely surprised to see the disabled acc.. 2nd account i botted hoping to catch up not surprised it got banned as it got stuck online for a very long time without me noticing. the service wasn't going to be completed if i didn't so i didn't see the issue in trying. he already agreed that we would wait 72 hours in between me getting paid and the password being changed back to ensure no ban...so he obviously assumed i would be boting it. i'm paying him whatever amount he feels fair for compensation hes asked for 20m for inconveniences and + 3m for the bond on the 1 acc... these were both fresh accs with nothing done on them except TUT not like i risked his mains...paying for my actions this dispute was over me not responding in time to him on discord to see that i needed to message the mm to release his gold back. unless your requesting i pay more to him witch is fine i suppose ill pay whatever as I've told him id buy him a zulrah account if requested though he did not want that but if not i don't wanna waste anyone's time any further sorry about taking to long to respond on discord... let me know my punishment if any i suppose and close this.
  4. Been Busy just saw this. was my first time using a MM wasn't aware that he was having his gold withheld just didnt really think of that fact though i should of known it was not excusing my poor communication.... had no intention of not having his gold returned he would of gotten a response today now that i'm able to made him aware of IRL issues several times and that i would not of taken the order if i knew i would of had what i have going on in my life. planned to acquire him a completed Zulrah account or even more for free as to far more than fairly compensate/reimburse him for not only the 1 bond but for the inconvenience and time wasted as what happened is not acceptable to me and i fully planned and still plan to correct it and make it right. if i was consciously aware of the fact that his 90m was being held and waiting for my say to be returned i would of made a greater effort to respond and do what was needed to get him his gold back.
  5. KHALESI SCRIPTS ARE #1 nonono Khal im sorry you got that from what i said " that is what i said i meant i regretted it when i did not pick your scripts over some other one yours have all been flawless i wish i bough more of them and not of your competitions as the maintenance support has been disappointing to say the least. not to mention stability...some i haven't ever used or some i still use free scripts as the premium ones i bought just dont work..... yours have all run flawless with little to no downtime on your end. KHALESI SCRIPTS ARE #1 Buy them now! lol hope thats better. i appreciate the quality my man.
  6. Khal Thank you for this amazing Script. hands down one of the best and more simple scripts ive e ver owned i have almost never experienced a real issue with it besides the very rare occasional death usual do to miss use of the settings/Human Error. this and a few of your other great scripts make me regret not picking your scripts exclusively when options were presented so far i have regretted it quiet a few times. Thank you again for this awesome script and i hope it was ok to post this proggy in here. idk how to get it to say my Total time ran but id assume its decent. first 99 with it and wont be my last. i ran this script 1-24 hours a day every day for awhile now. this account posted here was a nearly 2k TTL 124 combat account with a large bank 200qp ect.... i botted it all the way and plan to bot it to 2200 wish me luck. several more in the works. anyone who complains about banrate its not the script its you. i went from running 20-30 flax/bowstring bots on proxys/my ip and rinse and repeat every 3 days theyd get banned eventually i just kept trying and figured how to last longer and longer and now i havent had a real ban in over 4-5months
  7. 99 fletching 5-10mil MAX 97 mining 7.5-12.5mil max? so 15mil roughly? thats my guess as a osrs player.
  8. Yes im ok using a middle man and would prefer it if you are not going first and the supplies could be up to 150mil in runes depending on the route you take.
  9. sorry price is going to differ from my original post i calculated time. check your PM. youll see im still giving you a more than fair deal. up to you wether you want it botted or not to. price will differ alot and is negotiable so please feel free to haggel and talk me down to whatever price you are thinking.
  10. if you want it done quickly will be slighty more on supplies if you got time to wait supplies will be very cheap. diffrence of mind runes/ bloods, deaths, n wraths n what not.
  11. you cant sell accounts until 100 post count so price check for you 0USD... Price for reputable dealer id say $200+ or 225mil or so.....rough guess and im no expert on osrs acc prices.....some of the legit sites will charge $325-400+ for a account like that witch is stupid imo. i got a account with similiar stats 123combat level 99 str attack def and hp 200qp ect... for only 125mil back when gold was 60-70 cents a mil and still have it today...was from someone far more trusted than your accc to so i wouldnt expect someone to pay you more than 100-150mil with your rep and thats when/if you get that 100 post count. Hope that info helps Goodluck
  12. isolated issue i think. not experiencing this problem on any of my pcs. running mirror mode on 3 separate systems.
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